Is there a way to upload my score with the Timbres of Heaven soundfont?

• Nov 22, 2023 - 04:54

I installed the Timbres of Heaven soundfont in MuseScore 3 using View->Synthesizer, and then adding it to the list of soundfonts, then selecting different sounds for the flutes and guitar in the mixer. In addition, I have a part for wind chimes, so I selected a sound for that in the mixer.

When I play it on my computer within MuseScore 3, it sounds great! But when I upload it to my scores on the website, it reverts to some other sounds. In particular, the wind chimes are some kind of flute.

Is there a step I'm missing to make the uploaded score use the same sounds that it does when I play it in MuseScore 3?

Thanks in advance.


Are you using the "File" --> "Save Online" feature? Uploading the file directly to the website may not include custom sound fonts.

Hope this helps.

In reply to by karolcpm

Thanks for your help. I did it!

No was not using the "File" --> "Save Online" feature. I had tried that, but when I did, it said I had to log in with my Facebook, Apple, or user name and password. I created my account by logging in with Google, which is not one of the options.

I do have a Facebook account, but it gives me an error when I try to use it.

So I researched how to change my login method using a username and password, and did that!

Then I tried you method, and it worked like a champ!

Thank you so much!

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