Certain parts aren't synched with main score

• Dec 30, 2023 - 20:23

I've been editing an arrangement of Rhapsody in Blue for my orchestra to play, but cannot get the 1st and 3rd violins to be formatted correctly whatsoever. They have the old section numbers, despite my updating of the section numbers via the main score, and especially in the case of the first violins, have duplicates of almost every staff text. Any attempt to delete the duplicates deletes all of them throughout the entire score.

How can I both normalize the scores to not have duplicates, and sync the markings with the main score?

(I haven't been editing them separately, either. They have all been edited with the main score, as I seldom have any other parts open. I believe this may have originated from a long while back when I edited a couple of the instruments together separate from the main score.)


I've tried something new by attempting to use the reset all formatting button for the malfunctioning parts, however this instantly crashes the app and when reopened, no change was made.

In reply to by cadiz1

This does work for a couple instances (although they are still annoying when viewing the violin part specifically), but it still makes me question the presence of incorrect rehearsal numbering etc. (they can be deleted individually, but it would be nice to just sync it).
Thanks though, this did let me make a printable copy that looks normal!

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