Can you add bass clef to a treble clef score?

• Jan 4, 2024 - 23:02

How do I add a bass clef to a treble score to make it a grand staff. Is this possible without having to start over?


If a piano grand staff is what you want, It might be easier to try this way. Although there are different ways.

Hit "I" and add a piano to your score. Select the first measure of the original staff. Hit "end". SHIFT+select the last measure. C+P into the top staff of the new piano part.

In reply to by Luke Massery

Just be aware that what you did does not create a grand staff (great stave). Instead it creates two separate instruments, for example a soprano voice and a baritone voice.

To create a grand staff you need to add an instrument which uses both staves (e.g. organ, piano, harp, celeste). Then both staves form part of a single instrument.

In reply to by DanielR

Nevertheless, I could also add a bass line for any instrument, using a trumpet as an example. Select 'Staff 1' and press 'Add Staff'. You just have to apply the bass clef to the bass line afterwards.
This may not make sense for the trumpet, but you can do it.
Picture from MuS 3.7.

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