BUG - Repeat 2 or 4 measures signal show one measure multirest
When I insert a repeat measure signal (2 or 4 measures), and turn on the multimeasure rests function with the minimum number of empty measures set to 1, the MuseScore show a one bar multirest behind the repeat measure signal.
In "isolated-example" file, I replicated the bug, where in the main score, the multirest is set to 1 bar, and in the violin part, the multirest is set to 2 bars.
When the minimal number of empty measures is set for 2 bars or more, the bug doesn't happen.
Attachment | Size |
asa-branca.mscz | 444.65 KB |
isolated-example.mscz | 36.06 KB |
MuseScore4_nf5mxa8gLq.png | 11.57 KB |
Indeed, you can submit an issue report on GitHub: https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/issues/new/choose (with the "isolated example" file)
That said, what is your purpose here to set to 1 the minimum of empty measures?