alternating system types within one piece

• Feb 1, 2024 - 17:36

Hello! I need to set a piece of music that alternates system types.

For example: several measures with three voices, then several measures with two voices, then back to three voices, etc. The clefs are different too. It's SATB alternating with three B voices. The three-voice systems use the treble clef, tenor clef (treble with '8'), and bass clef; the two-voice systems have two bass clefs. What should I search for, or, how do I set it up?

Thank you.


Another attempt: using choral + piano, and relabeling piano as Bass. When S A T B are filled, the formerly piano staves are not hiding. But when S A T B are empty and formerly piano staves filled, the S A T B do hide as hoped.

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Soprano.png 33.45 KB

In reply to by carlreimann

Your pictures look like they include the first system.
and especially this part:
"MuseScore will normally continue to show all staves on the first system, in accordance with common convention. If you would like to force MuseScore to hide empty staves on the first system as well, disable the Don't hide empty staves in first system option in the dialog."

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