Change request for an instument name
I have created a score, and wish to change an instrument, so I double-click the instrument name, and am presented with a dialog titled "Staff/Part properties". Under "Part properties" there is a button titled "Replace instrument...". When I click that, at the top-left is button titled "Family".
After I select the Early Music family, I see "Treble Viol", "Alto Viol" and "Tenor Viol", but inexplicably, there is no "Bass Viol". Instead, there is a "Viola da Gamba". There are four sizes of Viola da Gamba, Treble, Alto, Tenor and Bass. Please change "Viola da Gamba" to say "Bass Viol".
As Viola da Gamba seems the generic term for those 4, I guess Bass Viol is just missing
Please request on GitHub,
In reply to As Viola da Gamba seems the… by Jojo-Schmitz
Thanks, I just did that, hopefully correctly!
In reply to Thanks, I just did that,… by tpgettys
Thanks for
The addition of Bass Viol to the instrument list did not make it into v4.3. Since this is such a trivial change I am concerned that it may have fallen through the cracks. There are few pieces for Gambas that do not use a Bass Viol, so I am having the change the name from "Viola da Gamba" to "Bass Viol" and fix the short name as well on every piece. Additionally, when I extract the parts, the bass viol part name is "Viola da Gamba" so I have to correct the name one more time!
Please elevate this change so that it does get implemented in the next release. Thank you.