Staff Spacing issue

• May 5, 2024 - 19:44

I opened my score today and the spacing was increased in between each instrument staff. I usually do all of my composing work in continuous horizontal with no issues. The spacing goes back to normal in page view except for one page, which the score go does down out of frame. I opened other pieces and this is the only piece affected by this spacing issue. Please help with spacing issue thanks. Attached is the file of the score

Attachment Size
Running blood.mscz 238.18 KB


In reply to by underquark

The first thing I always tried when something looks strange was to reset the layout with Ctrl+A and Ctrl+R.
Unfortunately, Ctrl+A doesn't select the time signature, so that doesn't work. However, if you select one of the shifted 3/4 signatures alone, then it also works with Ctrl+R.
Shouldn't there be a command with which you can really select everything?

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