Left repeat not being respected in playback of first ending

• Jun 5, 2024 - 23:45

I've looked pretty much everywhere and am having no luck with this.

I can insert repeats and have the desired playback, but once I add voltas (repeat endings) going back to a left repeat a few bars before, playback immediately repeats back to the very top of the piece rather than the left repeat. I've attached the score.

"Play Repeats" is on, and all the settings in the inspector for the repeats and voltas seem to make sense.

Attachment Size
giantsteps.mscz 26 KB


What is that D.C. supposed to do? Jumps should get processed after repeats, so that D.C. in Volta 1 should never get reached. That it apparently does is a bug, as far as I can tell.
And that D.S. al Coda can't work either: there is no Segno nor a To Coda

When I first tried Minuet and Trio in score, I was confused why it met D C. and went back to the start, The loop barlines didn't work.

Until I realized that conductors always do this.

In reply to by rrrrrrrrrrrrr1

D.C. stands for "Da Capo, or "to the head". It means, "Go back to the beginning". That's "why it met D.C. and went back to the start." That's exactly what it's supposed to do.

Loop barlines is well known not to work properly over repeats/jumps.

Don't know what you mean about "conductors"?

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