"A" Key not working as intended.

• Jun 18, 2024 - 20:23

REPOSTING because the original thread seems to have disappeared.

Using ver. 4.3.2 on an M1 Mac.

Every time I attempt to enter an "A" while in edit mode, rather than an A being added to the score, the cursor is positioned at the beginning of the current measure. I checked the Shortcuts preferences and there are no conflicts. I have restarted both MuseScore and my computer, and the behavior persists. It also happens in multiple files, including files I last edited with previous versions.

A previous response directed me to a post in which someone was having similar troubles. I attempted their fix, which was to remove some lines from shortcut.xml, but it has not fixed the issue.


In reply to by wiguitar

OK, you did not remove these (potential) culprit shortcuts:

        <seq>`</seq>                                   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<   this
        <seq>Shift+`</seq>                       <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< and this

Also remember to stop (all instances of) MuseScore before and start only after the modification of that file.

What type of keyboard? I assume not an US-QWERTY?

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