MuseScore Crashing on Every File

• Jul 20, 2024 - 03:43

MuseScore crashes on every file that I open. I don't know if it even depends on the file itself/by file by file basis, or whether something with the program itself has faulted. I've tried opening files from early 2022-late 2023 and they still crash the program.

Every time I open a score, it crashes, even if I create a new score from scratch, the program still crashes.

I was using the program last night and the program was working perfectly.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled the program, and have also done the factory resets, and the program is still crashing after opening any files/scores.

Just in case it's specific to these scores (maybe all my scores have somehow corrupted? I hope not), I'll put some of new and old scores here. The 'Piano and Flute Copy' is an old score, while the other two are new scores.


Attachment Size
Untitled score.mscz 128.16 KB
SATB Choir.mscz 80.17 KB
Piano_and_Flute Copy.mscx 1.43 MB


The first of these at least opens just fine for me, suggesting the issue has something to do with your system, not the scores. Do you by chance have third party VST plugins installed? Anything unusual about your display or audio drivers? Could be there was an OS update or driver update that triggered the problem. Try standard things like rebooting, running a disk diagnostic, etc.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

The only third part VST plugins I have are MuseSounds (if they are even considered third party). I haven't changed my display or audio drivers since I worked on MuseScore last night and today. I've rebooted the computer a couple times. I'll try once more to see if that does anything.

In reply to by Togers

Try removing Muse Sounds I guess - maybe your installation got corrupted during an automatic update recently. And if that allows the scores to load, try reinstalling them.

If that doesn't solve it, I'd start checking system logs to see what changed. You say you didn't knowingly change anything, but all sorts of things happen automatically. If it worked one day and stopped the next, clearly something changed.

In reply to by Togers

See the settings window within Muse Hub to find the location. But be aware, messing around d with this is more likely to cause problems than solve them., unless you’re an expert and know exactly what you are doing. Uninstalling them normally from with Muse Hub is much safer. But does indeed mean you will need to redownload them.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

In that case, I've done effectively what TDYama recommended, but without changing the directory of the Muse Sounds folder. I've opened up the Event Viewer and looked at the system logs under Windows Logs in Applications. I've attached a screenshot of the Error details that I received at 20/07/2024, the night that MuseScore must've stopped working. Does this help in any way?

It's really weird; I can randomly open one score without it crashing, but if I try to open two scores, the second one just instantly crashes whenever I try to open it. So it's only luck whether opening one score works without crashing. And sometimes if I save the file, it crashes. And this is without Muse Sounds.

Attachment Size
Musescore Crashing.PNG 15.39 KB

In reply to by Togers

Try moving/renaming your Documents/MuseScore4 folder to something else - could be a sound font or something else corrupted in that hierarchy.

If no luck there, maybe someone else on Windows can help you locate the crash logs so you can open a GitHub issue with those. All the diagnostic command does is make a ZIP of them as far as I know 0- the files are probably somewhere in your AppData or similar hidden folder.

In reply to by Togers

Don't know which part of this post to respond, but regardless, MuseScore still isn't working. At this point, I am getting so sick of this, I might as well move over to Dorico and not have to bother about this infuriating problem. I've done everything that everyone has said besides going over to Linux. I also did the System File Checker (sfc /scannow) on the Command Prompt run as Administrator. It said it fixed some corrupt files, but it obviously hasn't fixed this one. Maybe this problem might stem from the new MuseHub update? I don't know. It's only started occurring since then. I have been using the Nightly 4.4 Build, and that hasn't been crashing at all. I also downloaded MuseScore 4.3 without MuseHub yet the program still crashes. All of it is driving me crazy, and at this point, I don't know what to do, or even if anyone here can help fix this issue. Maybe it's a matter of waiting for 4.4, but I'm a uni student and don't have the time to wait for that whenever that release will be.

In reply to by Togers

Mixing beta/preview builds with nightly builds and also release builds is definitely a recipe for problems. I'd recommend removing all the nightly and beta/preview stuff, and going back to plain vanilla 4.3.2 with plain vanilla Muse Hub 1. Then when the new Muse Hub is released for real, you can reinstall that, and update to 4.4 when that is released for real as well (might happen the same day, not really sure).

Which MS version and OS are you using?

If you are using windows, you should probably go into to the add/remove programs and remove the musescore program and muse hub manually. Some have reported multiple installs of musescore. Musehub is a resident program and they are sometimes difficult to replace while running, so manual deletion is recommended. Reboot before reinstalling them.

Instead of removing old muse sound files, since they can take a ridiculous amount of time to download, try find the directory where they are stored and rename the download directory to download2. They won’t be found and won’t load. That eliminates the issue of corrupt sound files without as much hassle.

Reboot with no musescore and no musehub. Then, reinstall and see. You can also get a download of musescore without musehub to eliminate the question of a corrupt musehub installation. That means there is no need to rename the muse hub directory.

At some point, change the download directory back to its original state, if you did change it.

You wrote:
I was using the program last night and the program was working perfectly.

It appears that you are on Windows, so try using System Restore; and restore to a date when the program was working perfectly.

In reply to by Togers

I've just booted the computer up, and MuseScore is crashing for the same way again. I did a system restore, though it only went back to yesterday, and the program is still crashing. And when I did boot the computer up, it came up with a notification saying that it didn't have the program on AppsWindows. I've attached that screenshot that mentions the missing program. I know that AppsWindows isn't meant to be accessed, but maybe this has something to do with it? This is a copy of the error on the Event Viewer:

Log Name: Application
Source: Application Hang
Date: 21/07/2024 9:30:28 AM
Event ID: 1002
Task Category: (101)
Level: Error
Keywords: Classic
User: N/A
Computer: RumpusRoomPC
The program Muse.exe version stopped interacting with Windows and was closed. To see if more information about the problem is available, check the problem history in the Security and Maintenance control panel.
Process ID: 3054
Start Time: 01dadafc7f23d7f2
Termination Time: 4294967295
Application Path: C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Muse.MuseHub_2.0.13.1261_x64__rb9pth70m6nz6\Muse.exe
Report Id: 468b6b52-73b6-4e89-838f-97598d05146d
Faulting package full name: Muse.MuseHub_2.0.13.1261_x64__rb9pth70m6nz6
Faulting package-relative application ID: App
Hang type: Quiesce

Attachment Size
Musescore Crashing.PNG 15.39 KB

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Yes, Muse Hub is what is selected when you click the main download button, if you’re on a system that supports Muse Hub in the first place. You have to go a little out of your way to download MuseScore Studio directly.

In reply to by Togers

You wrote:
I did a system restore, though it only went back to yesterday, and the program is still crashing.

Back to only yesterday?...
In the System Restore dialog put a check in the box: "Show more restore points" and you should be able to find that "good" restore point date which worked (or perhaps find an earlier one). Restore to that time again and then disable all updates in MuseHub and MuseScore.
Also, it's a good idea to disable any junk that loads at start-up. (Use Task Manager > Startup.)
You will then need to check for updates manually the 'old school' way - usually found in a program's Help > Check for updates; but at least you will meanwhile be able to function.

(Personally, I disable all automatic-update-checks, load-at-start-up, and other "phone home" activities that are foisted upon us by software purveyors who each think that their app is the most important thing on our computers; and that we can't survive a single day without the most recent updates.)
Edit: Virus protection and security software is the exception... ;-)

Hopefully you get your windows installation figured out.

An advantage to Linux is you can cheaply have multiple installations without licensing hassles. I have three independent Linux bootable systems over two SSD drives.

I’m running Ubuntu, which allows you to install it as a separate partition. I do not recommend that you use Ubuntu to manage the boot process, because it is a hassle to undo it. But, keeping an independent Ubuntu install is where I started with Linux. Then, you can use musescore and musesounds in Linux. You won’t have the VAT and other nice options but you can keep going with writing music.

It’s not perfect but you can run musescore and muse-sounds. Keep both as when your windows install is working again, it has more musehub options.

In reply to by TDYama

You can try the nightly master 4.4 download.

In discord, there is an experimental version of muse hub for 4.4, with new features. If you are interested, download the discord app, sign up, and look at the Musescore Announcements. There are links. The linked programs require ms4.4, I think.

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