Problem 'copy location'

• Jul 30, 2024 - 16:23

Chromebook/linux mu4.2 i5 8gig mouse imput

Trying to move/copy a file/folder to another saved location. File is only reachable from 'save as' function. Why I do not know. Select file, right click, chose copy location....everything is frozen. Have to force close 4.2. Oddly, when the program closes, there is my 'save as' window still showing. Tried the select file, right click, copy location multiple times....same result. Program frozen/crashed, whatever and have to force close to do anything.


Try this in your file explorer (whatever it's called in Linux) rather than from MuS? Probably wise to exit MuS before you do this ... though it may not be necessary.

In reply to by TheHutch

Thanks for replying. Sorry, I do not have any 'this' to try. Did you mean to include something?

There may be more issues than just this. As I think about it and go looking I can not find this file anywhere except in the 'most recent' list and of course when I save in 'save as'. Something very odd. I can only guess I may have accidentally made the first save there and now I do not seem to be able to use the 'save' function to get with the rest of the work and other files. Tried search, but only got 'no such file' will try again today and check my spelling.

Will be interested in what 'try this' will be and any results.

In reply to by underquark

As I said I could not find the file anywhere, except in the most recent scores. I just thought this would be a way of getting it moved. But, since it locked/crashed the program, I just thought I would mention my experience since I do not think this is how the function is to work!

Guess I was just expecting 'this' to be something. Apparently, I was wrong. I did think I implied I knew to use the file manager, but I guess I did not make it clear in my comments.

Thanks for the clarification.

In reply to by R. L. F.

I assume that Windows and Linux are close to the same in this respect. Scores in the "Recent scores" list are only links to where the score is located. So you probably can't do anything with them but select to open. "Save" sends the score you have open to the wherever you got the score from. "Save as" should let you save to the place of your choice. You know this. I'm just going through it all to try to understand what is happening to you.

In reply to by bobjp


I think I follow you. I can only say when I got to the file from 'open recent' it did not give/let me have any option to save or move to a different folder. This is what started this all. My only, apparent, choice for moving was 'copy location' and it did not work. Literally! Thanks for the response.

Assuming you saved the file to your computer, then it is reachable via the normal Files app. What is the exact folder pathname you selected when saving it? If you don't remember, use File / Save as, and then look just above the list of files and you'll see the current folder listed there. You can then visit that same folder by following that same path in your Files app. To be clear, none of this is MuseScore-specific, it's just how files and folders work.

I can confirm there seems to be a bug in the Linux save dialog, where the "Copy location" command freezes. To be honest, I have no idea what that does, never having used it, but it's not really part of MuseScore - that is provided by the system. Or more specifically, by the "GTK" library that MuseScore uses.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella


The file had been saved and worked over multiple days. It was first of two movements and I wished to have them together to put in a folder for the work. In files, linux files, documents, mu 4 , scores it was not there. (I am only working in mu 4) As I said in my post the only place I could find it was in open recent scores. I just took a chance on 'copy location' since there was no other copy in right clicking the file. I did not think the result was what was supposed to occur. Glad you confirmed.

I am not sure I follow your 'files/save as' suggestion, as I have never before needed any way to find a file. They have always been in mu4 scores. Still do not know why this was not. Multiple saves over multiple days.

I did finally find the file with search. Now, though, when I saved (save) the file it ended up with 2 versions in recent open. They are the same, but I then found they each save to a different place. Have yet to figure this out.

Thanks for the info. I will save it for future reference, if this should occur again.

Any thoughts how this was saved into 'save as' many times, yet not show in the mu4 scores? Is it possible because I did my first save with 'save as' , not 'save'?

In reply to by R. L. F.

If you chose to save this file somewhere other than the MuseScore4/Scores folder, that is of course your right. But if you can’t remember where you chose to save it instead of there, that’s why I am suggesting you let the “save as” dialog tell you where it lives, byu doing exactly what I suggested. As for why you chose to save it somewhere else in the first place, sorry, I can’t get inside your heads to answer that! I can only affirm that MuseScore never saves any file in any location other than the one you chose when saving it.

To be clear, “save as” isn’t a separate place. It is simply a command that gives you an opportunity to make a new copy of the score. It has the convenient side effect of showing you the folder where the file lives currently, in case you have forgotten which apparently you had. You can also find out the current location via File / Project properties.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

You have given me more to be confused about. :)

I know I did not 'chose' to save the file other than in where I was working. MU4. But, if without thinking I made my first save of the file with 'save as' instead of 'save', shouldn't that file still be in the mu4, scores folder? That I know it was not.

As for 'save as' is not a separate place, I only reiterate that after(finally) finding the file and using 'save' command to save the file, I now have two copies of the score in 'open recent' and they are not in the same folder. One is in the folder with the two movements(which is what I wanted that started all this with copy location) and the other is where it is/goes when I use the 'save as' command for the file version I think I originally saved with that command.(Now, have I got you confused too?!) :)

It is over ten days ago when I started this file and that is the best I remember of what did/may have happened. I just know I Do Not chose to save files in other locations than what I am working in...Mu4. (Habits)

Thanks for the thoughts

In reply to by R. L. F.

You might not have chosen to save somewhere else on purpose, but MuseScore Studio is a computer program - it doesn't have a mind of its own but simply does what you tell it to. So if it saved somewhere else that you expected, you must have accidentally clicked something in the file dialog that changed the folder. There are a few things that would have that effect - the various shortcuts listed on the left side, and the display of the path at the top. But also, if you did for some reason use "Save As" for your first save of the file, it necessarily won't default to your regular save location - it might default to the last place you used when choosing choosing "Save as". So if you used that and didn't verify it was your regular folder but simply went with whatever default happened to be offered, that would also explain it.

Anyhow, without a time machine to go back and look over your shoulder, we can only assume one of these two things is what happened. The lesson is, any( time you see that dialog and enter a filename to save a file, *always check to see what folder your are being prompted to save to. Again, this isn't some special MuseScore thing - it's basic computer 101.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella


With your comments that is something I will be checking from now on. I always make a folder in files after I have saved some of the work for the movement. Have never had any problems with doing that, before!

Now I accept what you have laid out as probably what happened. I may have touched something on the keyboard that sent me somewhere. As you say without looking over my shoulder... After your last post I looked more closely at the file path. Now this is where I guess I have to disagree with. I said I suddenly had two copies in the 'open recent' and I could not find either in linux files, mu4, scores. You can probably tell me why. The first version I saved 10 days ago shows: mu4, scores, mcsbackup, mcsbackup, mcsbackup! And the second version is the same but with Only two backups. Now I accept possibly hitting /clicking something once....but never something different two or Never three times in row before I complete save. NoWay!!! So whether computer 101 or not, this all occurred in musescore.

I am guessing the files were far hidden in backups and that was why I was not seeing anything.

Thanks for the thoughts, as always. You have given me things to watch out for. Just strange after 7 or 8 years this occurs.

In reply to by R. L. F.

"Open recent" isn't a place any more than "save as" is. It's just a list of your recent files that live in other places. So if you see a score listed twice in that recent files list, you can rest assured you save it to to different locations. If you still need help figuring out where those two locations are, simply open them both from the recent files list, then check File / Project properties. If one of the copies is one you no longer need, you are welcome to delete it via your Files app, same as you would any other file.

Now, if you are saying one of the files is in your backup folder, this tells me that for some reason you actually opened the backup file. That isn't something you should ever do, but apparently - whether on purpose or not - you did. ANyhow, in the future, dont' do that again. Unless of course the original file gets damaged. But even then, don't open directly from the backup folder; instead copy the file to your normal folder to avoid further confusion.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella


As I said the Only place I was seeing those files was the 'open recent' listing. I did check file/project properties and it really did not tell me anything more than what I was seeing with 'save as' was showing. It said: mu4, scores, mscbackup, mscbackup, mscbackp. And as I said, if I touched backup it would have only been once. And no I really was not trying to save to backup. But, how did those two different files end up multiple (one three, one two) backups deep in the file path. Not anything I did. And are those backup files showing in the mu4 scores folder? If so, why were they not anywhere showing to me or how do you show them? I would now like to delete both, as I have made a copy that 'is' showing as saved in the scores folder.

Thanks for trying to get me straight, but the multiple backups deep has me really confused. And I did not do it!

In reply to by R. L. F.

I'm confused just trying to follow this thread.

As I understand it:

Open recent. Just a list of files you have had open. You can't do anything but ignore them or open them. Although you can delete the whole list. If you go to the folder that has a file you have used and delete the file, it will not show in the Open recent list. So if it is in the list, it must be somewhere.

MU4 also creates the backup folder. You can open the backup folder. But you can't open a file there without removing the tilde at the end of the title. It is a fail-safe folder That's why it is hidden by default.

SAVE. To me, this is a dangerous procedure. Let's say you open a file from the open recent list. Then you finish working on it and want to save it. So, of course, you hit SAVE. All done. Right? All good until you go looking for the file location. You look in the MU4 scores folder. But what if it isn't there. You run a search of your HDD and finally find it How did it get there? Who knows. What if it doesn't show up? If you are lucky, there is a copy in the Backup Files folder. If so, you can copy it to the proper folder, remove the tilde, and open it.

SAVE AS. This is the only option I use. I work on a file, random tune 1, and when I'm done with the session I save as random tune 2. And so on. I know exactly where the file is. Sure I have a lot of copies but, 1. I can go back to an earlier version and/or 2. I just delete the extras when I'm done.

In reply to by bobjp

Sorry for the confusion. This started with my pointing out a problem with 'copy location' function when I was searching for my file and could not find it to move it where I wanted it.(with its second movement) Marc finally confirmed this, but it moved on to what/why I was having problems locating the file.

As I said it was only in the open recent list. And NO, it was not in my mu4, scores listing, which was where I wanted it to pair it with the second movement. Marc suggested I had chosen the backup folder option(I can not confirm or deny, but with the result sounds right) he gave me suggestions for finding the info and that is when I was seeing the backup file location. My only problem is I now have two versions of the file in recent open. Neither of which are listed in mu4, scores. When I check file path info(something I never do/did) one is mu4, scores, mscbackup, mscbackup and the other is mu4, scores, mscbackup, mscbackup, mscbackup. Now I may have hit mscbackup once, but I did not do it 2 or 3 times and definitely when trying to save the score the second time, after I had finally found it with search function. So, I am very confused with all of this,also.

Afraid my save process is somewhat different than yours. My first save after setup and entering a few notes/meas is the 'save' option. Then I feel I can set the score in a folder where I can always locate it. Then as I continue, I use 'save as' from there on. I also do not use copies. For me it gets toooo dangerous!! I never trust that I have the copy I wish to work on or later delete. And as I work, I am comfortable that I am saving what I wish to keep. Just me. I certainly understand your way. As I say though, I worry what to get rid of when I can only see a name. I really wish I could delete from the score where I can safely look and confirm this is not the score I want to keep.

So, sorry for the confusing post. It changed/progressed as it went. Thanks for the thoughts

In reply to by R. L. F.

Each file of the same piece I work has a different version number.

When you found your files in backup folders, what extension did they have? Was it mscz or mscz~. I just found out that you can save regular MU4 files to backup folders. I don't think mscz~ files show in open recent. If, somehow, you send a mscz file to backup, you will see it in open recent. If you then open it and when you are finished, hit save, it will go back to the backup folder.

My suggestion would be to choose the file you want to save. Put it somewhere safe. Maybe even a flash drive. That might seem extreme, but who knows. Go to the backup copies and delete them. In fact, depending on the content of the extra backup folders, you might consider deleting them. Then move the saved file to the scores folder.

In reply to by bobjp

Sorry, but after working withvthe files I could not get 'save' to apparently do anything. At least anything I could see. Only 'save as' appeared to do anything, I could tell. Save may have worked, but since I could not see them in mu4, scores and at the time I was not considering backup, I did not find them, except in open recent.

The files in open recent both were as I mentioned in last post. No mark at end. But as I say, multiple mscbackup's. How that I do not know or understand. Implys multiple layers of backup. And that is what I know I did not do.

I have dated a copy of my file to my mu4, scores folder, so I am fine with it. Just have those two, separately save files in open recent. Honestly I have not gone searching for them in backup. Mostly because of those multiple deep mscbackup listing. I have a half dozen more movements to finish, then I Will probably clear Everything from open recent list and be done with it. Thanks for the thought, though. I still may give it a look in the meantime.

In reply to by R. L. F.

No files in open recent will have a tilde after them.
Yes, when you hit Save. you can't see anything happen. That's why Save As is a better choice.
Clearing the open recent list won't delete any files. It is only a list.
The files in backup folder are not your primary files. Unless you accidently saved one there. As I mentioned before, open those folders and look for any files that have the purple MuseScore icon in front of them. Those files don't belong there. And just confuse things.

In reply to by bobjp

'and just confuse things' I am already there. I have been warned not to use backup folders and knowing me and my experiences with Musescore, that's good advice. If I actually knew where to find the folders and how to safely get in and out I might give a look. I went checking in the handbook for 'directions' and I am still lost. So, that may be a good hint for how to not proceed. Thanks again for the thoughts

In reply to by R. L. F.

Once again, "open recent" is not a place. it's just a of list of ordinary files that live on your computer. Anything in that list is on your computer and can be found in your Files app and/or a Linux. But as I explained, those backup files are normally not something you should've ever opened. Apparently somehow you did or they would be showing up as recent files, but again, without a time machine to go back and look over your shoulder, we won't be able to to learn how it was you came to open those files and not remember it. But the evidence is clear, that is exactly what you did.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I do know open recent is simply a list. But, I repeat those two files are Not visible in my mu4, scores listing. Why....I do not have the slightest idea. My guess is it has something to do with those two files showing multiple layers of backup in the path listing, you pointed out to me in an earlier post.(thanks again for that)

As I said before it was not my intention to save into backup and how I opened it to save, yes, will never be known, now. I am done working on the two movements, one of which is the file that ended up lost in backup, and they are saved in a folder that does show up in my mu4, scores.
I repeat I wish there was a way to delete those files from the open recent list or even the open score window. That way I Know which file I am deleting and not just a name in a folder listing. I would feel 'much' more comfortable deleting things. I think I remember you saying that might be in a future version. I vote yes!

Thanks for all the help and pointers!!

In reply to by R. L. F.

If you can open them from "Open recent", then I absolutely promise you it exists on your computer - there is nowhere else it could possible be. As I said, those backup files are normally hidden, so you'd need to enable the display of hidden files to see them, but they are there. How you managed to open them previously is an open question, but again, computers don't lie. Clearly, you opened the file recently.

To delete the file, navigate to that folder (after enabling display of hidden files in your Files app or your Linux file browser) and dete them the same as you would any other files. Or simply clear the recent files list with the command within that menu.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I knew the file was on my computer. I found it through a search window. I forget now, probably at top of files window. I just had to remember 'exactly' how I had titled it. I finally did from the 'open recent' list, as I remember.

I have other scores in 'open recent' list I would like to keep easy access. Only after I finish the other movements will I totally clear the list. But, yes, I would like to get rid of those two useless files. I will see if I can show hidden files and clear them out. I figured this was what was needed, but did not know for sure where to be starting. Thanks for the info and guidance!

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I am sure you are impatiently waiting to know what happened about my files hidden in backup..... or not. Here goes anyway.

Trying to delete two files from 'open recent'. Per your guidelines I opened mu4, scores. Opened hidden file tab. Few things showed, not the file name I was looking for. But, a backup file/folder was there. Clicked it and there was the file name I was looking for. Also, another backup. Clicked it and there was the file...again. And another backup. I am now two deep in backups. Clicked again and (2) more copies of the file. All with the exact same name.

Before I started this, I had gone into 'scores' where I had saved the copy I found with search and paired with its companion movement and renamed it. bobjp had suggested something similar, as I am not so sure he, either, was trusting of the deleting to follow.

So, before this name change there were (5) copies of this same score. All with the same name and in four different folders. Now this may all be 'computers 101' to you, but my '101' said/implied you could not have the same named file multiple times on the same computer/program. Makes it difficult to search a file, as I remember. This all seems a problem to me.

Short story long I did got rid of all copies of the file and the extra backup folders. Now, again, I may have clicked/bumped the backup once....not two and three times, no way!

Now, why I am writing. I am back on a different work. Multiple movements that show in mu4, scores. When I use 'save as' there is a blue backup folder at the top of the listing. Is this supposed to be there? WHY?? With my recent mess this does seem to be a disaster waiting to happen.(you keyboard people may not have the problem, but those few of us using mouse pointer it is a easy bump away. If it is not to be there how to remove and not have it there. Is it really necessary that it has to be at the top of the folder. Could it not stay hidden until absolutely necessary. You are the one to warn me never to go near, yet there it is.

Sorry for the length, but I wanted you to have as much info as possible. Thanks again for all your help.

In reply to by R. L. F.

There will be a backup folder anywhere you have saved scores. Well in Windows, at least. So don't save to it. I admit to being a bit sloppy in that I have saved scores in several different locations for various good and not so good reasons. So there is a backup folder in both my MU4 scores folders. Yes two. mostly by accident, but too lazy to fix yet. There are also backup folders in Downloads, Documents, and Music. They don't really bother me as I don't really use them. I'm way too busy trying to figure out how to make the oboe play this or that passage.

In reply to by bobjp

Sorry for the delay responding, busy here with other things.

Backup folder is in linux also. I still see that as a problem, as my recent experience shows for us clumsy folks.
I always save to the same place and have an order I try do do to keep me understanding what I am doing. I blew it one time and ended in a mess. I had not really paid much attention to those folder signs, but will now!!

I have cleared the backup folder mess and am back to work on other movements where I was before I made the mess. Still bothered by the multiple copies of the same file name. Thanks for the thoughts

In reply to by R. L. F.

As mentioned, it's normal that the backup folder exists - it serves an important purpose. So you shouldn't delete it. But if you do, it will be recreated next time you save a score.

You should, however, never open a file directly from that folder,r nor should you ever try saving a file to that folder. It is only for MuseScore's own use normally (which is why it is hidden), or for disaster recovery.

So if you are finding that when you save a score, the backup folder is being offered as the default choice, that tells me the previous file you saved was also to the backup folder, because the default folder for "save as" is always the folder the current version of the file is in. So, it is important to fix this and don't use that folder. Navigate to another normal folder instead and save there instead. Use that version of the file from now on, and don't use the copy of the file in the backup folder. Not just this score - any score. never use any version of any score directly from the backup folder.

Again, normally the backup folder is hidden so it wouldn't even be possible to use those scores, but apparently you did at some point, and MuseScore keeps remembering that was the last folder you used and keeps offering it as the default for future scores. You need to end that cycle. Close all open MuseScore windows (eg, Ctrl+Q), restart, create a new score, save it to a normal folder, then quit again, Now MuseScore should forget that you previously had been using the backup folder.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella


I do not use backup folder for saving. Never have, so I do not know exactly how I got into it in the first place. And then even more so, multiple layers deep in backup(s)! And as I mentioned, 5 copies of the same titled file in four different folders. This still seems an issue to me.

I got rid of all the backup folders and the one multiple copied file in them, with your info from last post. I still see having the backup folder showing as a potential problem at any minute.(as my experience shows) If it should not be used why have it showing? Should it not be a hidden file/folder. Only called when it might be needed for recovery. But, I have never understood that recovery. When I opened hidden files there was nothing in the folders but the one file that apparently I was saving there(in multiple layers deep)

The score version(s) I was using were from open recent list. As I said, that was the 'only' location I was seeing my file. And there were two copies of the same file showing there. One two layers deep in backup and the other three deep. How they got there still is even more confusing. I obviously got into backup to start things, but I know I did not pull up multiple copies of backup over and over. Just as bizarre as having multiple copies of the same titled file. Oh well, thanks for helping get me out. Still think backup folder is unneeded in the files saved folder....unless called for because it is needed. Thanks again for the guidance.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Sorry to disagree. That backup folder at top of page where files are saved 'is' very much visible. And somehow, my twitchy clicking finger maybe, got me in the mess. Where my file went then, yes, was hidden. And since I did not know I was in backup folder my file was also hidden from me.!

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz


Yes, I know that, have known that for sometime. You just have to know that you somehow saved there. Which I did not. Nor did I know at the time you could. I guess I still see that as a problem, if it is so easy to do without your realizing that is what happened.

In reply to by R. L. F.

Again, I get that you didn't do that on purpose. But somehow, something you did caused MuseScore to save to your backup folder - that is the only possible explanation for what you are describing. And since MuseScore defaults to saving files in the last used location, once you save one file to the backup folder, future saves will keep going there until you do something about it.

So again, the solution is, fix the problem with the existing files as I explained, and then be more careful in the future. Always check the current folder when saving new files, whether the initial save of a new score, or "save as" on an existing score. Basically, any time that file dialgo appears, it is your responsibility to make sure you are saving to a folder you want to save to. That much this is not really specific to MuseScore but basic computer management.

But again, deleting the backup folders is a mistake. They are supposed to be there, and MuseScore will recreate them anyhow. You just aren't supposed to use them yourself except in emergency. There's no real harm in having deleted them, but that was not a step in the direction of a solution - it was an unnecessary additional complication. No need to worry about restoring them, but please don't take steps above and beyond what we are suggesting as they are likely to get you into trouble.

Anyhow, since you've enable the display of hidden files, that is why the backup folders are appearing, but once you are done cleaning this all up, turn invisible files off again so you won't accidentally save to the backup folder again.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

That is a good explanation of how I got into the backup folder, but not how I ended up two backup folders deep. And three backup folders deep with the same file name showing in that folder twice. Yes, whatever I did(more on that) to end up hitting the backup folder is not what I intended. I deleted the multiple copies(same name) of the file(score) I wanted. I then deleted those backup folders where the file(s) ended. That is the backup folder in a backup folder. And a backup folder in a backup folder in a backup folder. I did not or have not deleted the blue backup folder that shows up in the 'save as' window each time you make a save.

Now as to that folder. That is the one I think should not be there in view, but as a hidden file. Here's my why. Since my issue with all this, I have been observing what is happening more closely. I have mentioned that for you keyboard users this all may not be a problem. Yet, for those few of us using mouse pointer for all things it is a potential hazard waiting to happen.

When using the file, save as, function as you move the pointer across the screen to the save button in the drop down menu you almost always cross right over that blue backup folder. Now I have said in the past that mu3 was sensitive with the mouse pointer and mu4 was super sensitive. If you do not move your finger off the key click quickly, or if you leave the pointer resting for a moment you get clicks you did not want. I have suddenly gotten two and three notes from one stem in an instant. Notes five or six ledger lines above or below a staff somewhere else on the page or even the next page. (among other issues) Not everytime, but enough to be annoying.

If when I was moving to make my save I was not paying attention or slow going across that folder with my attention focused on something else that instant, yes I could easily open into backup folder. And not even realized it. Now I am not saying this is what happened that time, but it is my reason for saying that is dangerous for having a folder you should not be using right there where it could be clicked.

With all this, I still have not heard any thoughts how I ended up in a backup folder, in a backup folder, in a backup folder. I agree I ended up hitting/clicking the backup folder for a save, but even by your explanation I would then be saving into the last place musescore saved. So how the multiple backups deep. And ,also, how did I save the same folder with the same name (5) times in four different folders. This seems a major issue to me? As always, Marc, thanks for your thoughts and guidance

In reply to by R. L. F.

Any time you save a file, a backup is created in a subfoidler of the current folder. So if you are currently in the backup folder and then save a file, then you get a backup folder within that backup folder. In theory, you could could then try to save a file into that folder and get a third level of backup folder.

Again, without a time machine, we can't go back to see where things went wrong. All we can do is help you repair the problem and be more aware of how files and folders work on computers so you avoid making the same mistakes again. So if there is anything unclear about what you should be doing going forward 9(s opposed to hypotheses about what might have gone wrong in the past), please let us know so we can continue to assist.

As I suggested before, though, once you are done cleaning up the mess, you should turn the display of hidden files back off. Then you won't see them any more and you won't be tempted to save there, whether using the mouse or any other method.

MuseScore does not treatmouse clicks different than any other program, BTW - it has no magic ability to change the info your computer sends. Either a click is sent or it is not. But of course, some programs are designed such that clicking doesn't really do anything most of the time. Like when viewing a web page in your browser, clicking only does something if the mouse is directly over a link or button. In MuseScore, when in note input mode, clicking always enters a note. So it's true you need to avoid mis--clicks more than you might in some other programs, not because MuseScore is more sensitive, but simply because clicking isn't ignored as often as it is in some other programs.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella


Thanks for finally clearing the backup in backup. That helps to know more. I have cleared everything once I knew to be looking in backups and how to find them, again. I still find it bothersome to have that folder visible when it should not be used, as you have said multiple times. When saving in 'save as' , I am training myself to loop down to stay away from crossing over that folder.

As for clicking, sorry, 'No' clicking is happening when all the issues I described are taking place. I taught myself, by necessity, years ago in Mu3 to take my finger off the button after a click. And One click is all that is happening when multiple notes occur. So yes, for me it is 'super sensitive'. Those actions all occur without a click. And no I do not have any similar occurrences in other programs or sites. Just Musescore. Do not know why, specifically. Just happens and I am aware and always listening for extra things sounding when entered. Even knowing it may happen, it is still annoying and time consuming.

As for my system sending clicks, I had a final version of Mu2.x on the computer. These things did not occur then. But starting with Mu3, yeah. And I repeat, there are no mis-clicks occurring, because my finger is not on the mouse button! And there is no mouse button click sound when the notes are entered. It will on occasion even enter a note when tapping the 'n' key to start or stop note entry and my hand is not on the mouse. That is a good explanation of what should be happening, but it is not my experience with Musescore over the last four or so years. Thanks for clearing things up with what was happening with backup/backup/backup

In reply to by R. L. F.

As I have said several times, once you have cleaned up those folders and files, simply turn off the display of hidden files and folders again in your Files app. Then you won't see them anymore.

Again, MuseScore has no magic behavior to change the behavior of your mouse. Your mouse either sends an electrical signal indicating that a click occurred, or it doesn't, period. Computers work on electricity, not magic. So if you are perceiving any sort of difference in how the mouse behaves, it has to be the sort of thing I allude to. Magic doesn't exist.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I have said multiple times, I cleared the problem folders/files. And as I said the backup folder is the blue folder at the top of the drop window for saving in 'save as'. If that folder actually disappears with hidden files shut off, why was it there before all this started? That Is the only place I could have hit and opened backup to start the hole mess. Sorry if you are not following.

Again. Mu2 no problems with errant notes showing. Mu3 all versions, sometimes, Mu4 all versions....regularly. not every note, but enough to be annoying. Two different mouse clickers used. Same happenings. NO mouse clicks occurred!! Does not occur with any other software having clicks just occurring. Yes, I know how mouse clicks are supposed to work. And I think we both know that software can also make things happen that are not supposed to occur, but do. More than two years ago, when I first mentioned this issue, someone commented that hovering a mouse in one spot can make a note appear. Sorry, now, I do not remember who, but part of the reason I have trained myself to raise my finger off the mouse and move the mouse slightly. I am sure that is why I get notes showing on the following page or multiple legger lines above or below a measure.

As long as I am apparently the only one noticing this, it will just be another issue which can not occur, but does.
I do not need to make this up. And it has been an issue for a number of years. I have tried to remember when it occurs what may have just happened, but nothing consistent. Similar to notes being added when I click the 'N' key to enter or exit note entry. I sometimes get a note. Hand not even on the mouse.

My original problem is finished, done, cleared out; with your guidance. Thanks. The other issue I must have just mentioned as a possible reason the mess all started.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Quick update. Yesterday I was working and using 'save as' multiple times. One time as I clicked file, save as, the window came up in a different location on the screen. When I pulled it back completely into view, (because I have been watching very carefully since the problems), I noticed the blue backup folder was highlighted. If I had just clicked the 'save' button, as usual, I assume my file would suddenly be in the backup again, without my wanting it there. Very similar to what had happened before. (again why I question that backup folder being always visible)

Just as someone this week said, when an xml file was not functioning correctly "things happen". And I would add even when you do not do something. Such as a different folder suddenly being highlighted or notes being entered when your finger is not on the mouse button clicker. Or even when you push the 'N' key to start or stop note entry.

So, I am wondering more whether it was actually my clumsy self that started my problem before! Still have not heard how I could have 5 same titled copies of the file in 4 different folder locations?

Have a great Labor Day weekend!!

In reply to by R. L. F.

Again, the backup folder is not normally visible. You must have previously enabled display of hidden folders in your Files app. Assuming you have corrected the other problems you were experiencing, you should note set that option back to its default state of not showing hidden folders, as suggested previously.

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