Program closes itself when trying to re-enable Palettes/Instrument/Properties

• Aug 1, 2024 - 22:00

I don't think I ever disabled them in the View tab, but they are currently not enabled and trying to enable them again on any score of mine results in the entire program closing itself. Anyway to fix?


I'm guessing you accidentally moved them offscreen - perhaps to a separate monitor? - and something is now going wrong trying to reestablish the previous positions. Try View / Restore the default layout. And if that doesn't do it, try Help / Revert to factory settings.

In reply to by camisonline

Well, it is almost certainly a bug, but a bug triggered by something unusual about your display setup and whatever previous customizations you had performed. it’s impossible to test every such combination, so not terribly surprising when some especially unusual combination catches a program so much by surprise that it ends up crashing.

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