Issues with crescendo hairpins that carry past their measures?

• Aug 10, 2024 - 01:15

I am not sure why this is happening, but the crescendo hairpins that I've added to my score seemingly repeat their effects for the rest of the piece. I've never had this happen before, and I would really hate to have to redo my work. Removing the dynamic marking at the end of the crescendo does fix the issue but I've literally never had to do that before to get it to work. Does anyone have any ideas on what might be happening and how I could fix this? Here is a video to demonstrate what I'm describing:


What has changed?

Did you upgrade MS to the latest version?

Without a dynamic at the end of the hairpin, MS does not know what dynamic to stop at. It might be "looking ahead" in the score during playback and find some other dynamic and use that.

Best is to be specific about the hairpin to which dynamic it should finish. I you don't want the dynamic to show in the score then you can hide it. But what if a human would need to play this? How would that person know what to do?

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