Error=XML_ERROR_EMPTY_DOCUMENT ErrorID=13 (0xd) Line number=0

• Aug 21, 2024 - 16:09

the data from my usb-stick was demaged. the data was later saved by a data saving company. after saving i can not open the musescore data. could you please show a opportunity to open the data. thanks


blue monday orgy band.mscz is a broken ZIP achrive, so no chance to fix
the wanderer status quo in A.mscz is not even that, just junk data.

As Jojo said, sadly can't be salvaged. To put it visually, a MS file is a ZIP file that has a header followed by compressed information, followed by some trailing data. A normal file looks like the first image, one of your files looks like the second image and the other looks like the third. Without the bits at the beginning and end it is either very difficult or impossible to untangle the bit in the middle.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

The program didn't recover anything, possibly never even tried. Here is the message it saved:

" ZipRecovery 1.6

    This version of ZipRecovery 1.6 demonstrates the possibility
    to recover files from a particular corrupted file.

    During the demo recovery the original directory/file structure is restored,
    but the contents of recovered files are replaced by this text. 
    To recover the contents of files you need to purchase the commercial version of
    ZipRecovery 1.6 at:              "

Don't think i fancy buy before you try.

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