Weird blue vertical bar appeared. Now I can't play back the score.
Dear MuseScore people,
I have a weird problem, and I can't figure it out. 🤔
I just opened one of my scores, and I pressed play. It is refusing to play,
and a weird blue vertical bar has appeared in the score. I have no clue
what this is, so I don't know what to search for in the Handbook.
Can anybody tell me what this blue bar represents?
And how do I get out of this mode so that I can go back to normal and play back my score?
Thank you for any help you could offer me! 🙏
Perhaps your audio output setting has gone missing. Do other scores play? If not look in MuseScore Preferences>I/O to see if it's still selected or selectable.
In reply to Perhaps your audio output… by scorster
Thanks so much for replying. Can you tell me where I can find Preferences? I don't see it in any of the menus at the top. (Sorry, I'm very new to this software.)
In reply to Thanks so much for replying… by Sherlocat
On MacOS look in MuseScore's menu. If you're using the latest release it's MuseScore Studio's menu.
In reply to Look in MuseScore's menu (If… by scorster
Actually, I'm on PC - but Pentatonus showed me that "Preferences" are under the "Edit" menu (I didn't see it before, but I found it now). Thanks.
OMG - I went to "I/O" and fiddled with the "Audio device" settings. The playback is working now! Thank you so much for your help. 🥳 Have a great day! 😸
In reply to Thanks so much for replying… by Sherlocat
If you are not on a Mac, the Preferences can be found under "Edit".
In reply to If you are not on a Mac, the… by [DELETED] 1307581
Thanks, I'm on PC! I didn't see it before under "Edit", but I found it now - thanks so much. 👍
In reply to If you are not on a Mac, the… by [DELETED] 1307581
Hey - I went to "I/O" and fiddled with the "Audio device" settings. The playback is now working as it should. Thanks again! 😸