Chord Symbol

• Aug 31, 2024 - 15:53

Top Index and Bottom Index (for the chord symbol) DOES NOT work.
In addition, this function should be on top when entering the Chord Symbol (and not hidden).
Also missing: setting the font size for the superscript and subscript.
Also missing: the ability (function) to enter “above and below” characters, using the bottom index and the top index, but evenly underneath (as in the attached image "Chords", so that a long chord symbol does not take up half of the bar).

This would allow long/extended chord symbols to not overlap (on the next note, where there is also a chord symbol).
It wouldn't expand bars or spacing between equal notes.
This would take on a very professional look to the entire set of written notes.
That's why I consider this, a priority in the “Chord Symbol” function.

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Attachment Size
symbol akordu.jpg 6.46 KB


These function is there, but it does not work and in addition you have to go through many functions to get to it. The idea is to have these functions in view when entering the “Chord Symbol”.
However, there is no way for the user to set the “Font Size for Top Index and Bottom Index”.
There is also no typing (letters/numbers/characters) above and below the function, as in the attached image.
Evenly: one under the other.

Attachment Size
symbol akordu.jpg 6.46 KB

It is very important that the “Chord Symbol” function, with all the options (that I have listed), to work properly.
I consider it a priority in Mus

I explain exactly what it would look like to enter a chord symbol, with the addition of Index:
See what the Chord Symbols images look like in MuseScore Studio4.4, below in the appendix: Chords NO and Chords YES, and Chords
The first jpg image designation, “Chords NO”, is as in the original MuseScore introduces Chord Symbols. Underlined in red, in my opinion, are errors that should not be there, and the chord symbols look too long in this sequence.
The second jpg image, labeled “Chords YES,” is what I wrote about in the request for the new “Chord Symbol” feature (a function that is, but doesn't work). Corrected by Ctrl + L (Text), because here the Top and Bottom Index works well. For the Chord Symbol (Index just doesn't work)!
In my opinion, this is how entering chord symbols for notes and pauses should look, according to the order:
1. Ctrl + K (“Chord Symbol” for a given note or pause).
2. “Top Index (above)”, for entering, e.g., 7+9 (septimeter and nona)
3. “Bottom Index (below)”, for input, e.g. sus4 (thirds converted to fourths).
Evenly, one under the other, or manually moved.
4. font size for the Top Index (to improve character legibility for this index).
5. font size for Lower Index (to improve character legibility for this index).
These functions should be in view when entering the Chord Symbol.
This style of introducing chord symbols would be the most convenient.

Translated with (free version)

Attachment Size
Chords NO.jpg 234.9 KB
Chords YES.jpg 216.35 KB
Chords.jpg 6.46 KB

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