Audio Issues?

• Aug 31, 2024 - 18:14


I am having issues with playback in the new MDL for Musescore 4.4. When I playback the cadence I'm writing, the first note dips down as if the audio file isn't playing the first half-second or something (as demonstrated in "first note dip issue.ogg", the snare drum plays four eighth notes but the first one is weird sounding). This doesn't just apply to the snare, it applies to all the notes on the beat of whenever I start the playback.

Also, when I am in the note input mode, it does a similar thing (as demonstrated in "note input dip issue.ogg", with the tenor drum as I input four ascending quarter notes). This happens when I input with all the battery percussion, not just the tenor drum.

I understand it may be a bug in the brand new update, but any help would be much appreciated.

Attachment Size
first note dip isssue.ogg 24.46 KB
note input dip issue.ogg 52.07 KB

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