Crescendo and Diminuendo Hairpins not responding to certain stresses. (4.4) (4.4.1)

• Sep 2, 2024 - 01:00

Two instances of these features not working as they did prior to 4.4:

I had wrote a song that makes use of a crescendo into a Fp to make a rolling type effect that worked really well in a pre-4.4 version of musescore 4, but when upgrading to 4.4, crescendos seem to not handle that well and it sounds more like accents.

The other instance, I had used a Diminuendo on a harpsichord part that was using an MS basic synth sound in the mixer, and pre-4.4 it would fade to the PP. Now, it does not, remaining the same audio level until after the note is released before recognizing the new dynamic.


> I had wrote a song that makes use of a crescendo into a Fp to make a rolling type effect that worked really well in a pre-4.4 version of musescore 4, but when upgrading to 4.4, crescendos seem to not handle that well and it sounds more like accents.

I'm still not sure what you mean. For which instrument, for example?
When I open the attached file in 4.3.2, I hear some weird unrhythmical effect in the Violoncellos, that does not correspond with the notation. It seems that the notes after the accented notes are somehow played as two 16ths instead of an 8th.
This was fixed in 4.4; so now the accents are played as accents, and the notes after that are also played as written. So actually this is an improvement: the playback now correctly matches the notation.

If you happened to like the unintended 4.3.2 effect, you can recreate that by actually notating it:
Scherm­afbeelding 2024-09-08 om 21.59.52.png

> The other instance, I had used a Diminuendo on a harpsichord part that was using an MS basic synth sound in the mixer, and pre-4.4 it would fade to the PP. Now, it does not, remaining the same audio level until after the note is released before recognizing the new dynamic.

This is by design, since it is not possible (in real life) to fade out notes on a harpsichord. After initially pressing the key, you cannot influence the sound anymore.

In reply to by EtherealLight

There is some, but it's a bit subtle indeed. The difference versus previously may also be caused by changes to the Muse Sounds libraries, which are independent of MuseScore. But there may also be a bug in MuseScore where it doesn't pick up the "forte" from "fortepiano" as the target dynamic of the crescendo. So the crescendo may go from piano to mezzopiano (because by default it goes one step up), while it should go from piano to forte (because forte should be seen as the target dynamic.
I'll check if this is indeed the problem and if we can solve it.

In reply to by EtherealLight

I don't think fp works well, if at all. Try this score. I think it over does it. but at least it does something. I removed the fp's and put an f on the first note and a p on the second. re-entered the hairpins and dragged the f and p closer together. Something to think about, anyway.

Attachment Size
FP.mscz 22.61 KB

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