MuseSounds: muted trumpet is way too quiet

• Sep 5, 2024 - 03:06

Helloooo. As the title says, my score has a muted trumpet which, despite being forte, is so quiet that it gets mostly drowned out by the other instruments. You can see this in the second trumpet in the attached score. Switching to "trumpets a4" makes it slightly louder, but not by a lot. Changing to ff or even fff does pretty much nothing too, so I'd love if forte was louder by default since I don't really have a way to turn it up otherwise as far as I'm aware.

Attachment Size
dearhunter_1.mscz 472.75 KB


My thoughts are these. You may not agree.
One way to make something louder is to turn other things down. Right now, most of what I hear is percussion and piano. These are Basic sounds that are louder anyway. And viola is loud, which you have turned up. A muted trumpet is just going to be softer. Though I'm not wild about the muted sound to begin with.
Many of the percussion sounds you have as Basic are also in Muse sounds. Even un-muted the trumpets don't stand out, because of the volume of other instruments.

In reply to by bobjp

Honestly that is quite fair - in my defense I've had this file for a GOOD while now with muse sounds and a lot of updates change the volume of things without me ever touching it, but also yeah a lot of this is just poor mixing choices.

As for the percussion not being muse sounds that was usually because I didn't like how the muse sounds version sounded, but that may or may not have also been because of mixing problems. I'll experiment with everything and get back to you on that

Still, in general, a problem I've had with musesounds in the past is that the dynamic variation almost varies a little too much. Sometimes it feels like piano is more piano than it ought to be, if that makes sense

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