Help with score appearance

• Sep 5, 2024 - 06:49

Hi, I have downloaded this score, and for the last couple of pages the bottom few parts have disappeared down into the the grey area, with a big gap from the parts above (as shown in screenshot) - so unless zoomed out, I can't see those bottom parts, and can't edit them etc.
Any ideas/help with this?
Thanks very much! Cath

Attachment Size
Screenshot 2024-09-05 at 3.39.45 pm.png 161.68 KB


In reply to by violacath

Looks ok to me in Musescore 3.6.2 without doing anything. It looks even better if I enable vertical justification of staves in Format>Style>Page. And better still if I open it in Musescore 4.4.0.

Perhaps try resetting to factory settings in Musecore. Note, you will lose all your customisations of palettes, toolbars, styles etc. But maybe one or a few of those customisations (if you have them) are what is causing the problem

Thanks all - the issue was something weird happening with the staves, as you can see in the screenshot attached to first post. - there was a big gap after the percussion and the last few staves on the last couple of pages had disappeared way down into the grey area.
Anyway I installed the latest update and reopened it, and all is fine now.

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