
• Sep 5, 2024 - 10:12

on musescore 4 editor, when i get an orchestra sheet or more than idk how many instruments, the audio suddenly starts lagging a lot, idk why, once i select like the note c in one instrument in an orchestra sheet the audio goes "C- (cut off) c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c (echo) c- c- c- c- (many cut offs). unfortunately because of this site i cant load the audio or video to show but yeah it happens. when i play the sheet itself the audio lags, but when i export the mp3 or midi or anything else with audio, it doesnt lag, for some reason. also it might be because of the space i have for loading visual effects in my pc, i dont know how to look that, but the system itself has 847 gb free out of 930 gb. Screenshot (33).png


Does your computer meet all the minimum specs listed on the download page? One of my computers that doesn't have enough cores in the CPU, has a similar problem. But my main machine meets the specs and runs fine.

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