Native Instruments Cremona Quartet

• Jan 24, 2025 - 15:49

Does anyone know if the Native Instruments Cremona Quartet packages works with Musescore?


I can play Native Instruments' Cremona Quartet via Kontakt 7.10.7 in MuseScore 4.4.4, but not without issue. I've didn't upgrade to Kontakt 8 and don't see any reason to.

The Quartet doesn't sound great to me, partly because there's a "small roomy" sounding reverb that's apparently baked in—i.e. I don't see an Effects area where I can attenuate it. And there's an overall grainy quality, and trouble with detaché and faster tempos. Maybe those are issues with MuseScore audio playback engine; I haven't tried Cremona Quartet in my DAW, so I have no comparison at present.

Also, I'm getting a A notes that sounds Bb. And C# sharps sounding D ... in a staff where all other notes play at the correct pitch. The reason is that I had previously set the pitch to -4 cents to correct for pitch descrepancies in a MuseSounds instrument. Setting the pitch back to 0 cents fixed the issue, but when has -4 = -100?

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