Format > style

• Sep 5, 2024 - 16:16

1.Could the Auto date in Headers/Footers ($d) have the UK layout (dd/m/Y) as an alternative rather than the American standard?
2. Could the "options" window in the same section be on screen for longer, it disappears after a second or two and doesn't give time to read and assess. Also the top part is not visible.
3. Is there a simple way of deleting old, unused, out of date, scores from the "Scores" window, rather than finding them in one of the many files one might be using.


  1. You can simply delete the entire list and start over. File / Open recent / Clear recent files. This option is all the way at the bottom of the list and I've seen it hidden because the list didn't move all the way up.

If you would prefer to remove specific entries, there is a fairly complicated method that I don't recommend unless you feel very comfortable with computers: you can modify the .JSON file that I describe in Delete old songs from library at timestamp Mar 11, 2024 - 16:23.

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