Extension lines not working

• Sep 7, 2024 - 20:20

I've made about 30 or so files in MuseScore and while making the first half of those, I had no problem creating extension lines (type lyric, press shift and hyphen for underscore). But somewhere along the line, the extension line trick stopped working and now I can't create them at all.

I've gone back to one of the earlier files, and there the extension lines all are, but if I edit this earlier file by re-creating one of the extension lines, the thing disappears and I have to hit command Z to get it back.

I'm using 4.3.2 but the earlier files would have been made in an earlier version.

Has anyone else had this problem? And how did you fix it?


In reply to by cadiz1

Here is an example of a file I made back in March originally. I missed an extension line out and needed to go back and put it in. I've updated to 4.3.2 and now I can't put an extension line in. So you can see there are extension lines in many places, but not where required in bar 3. By extension line, I mean the line in the underlay, which extends from the end of the word through to the end of a melisma or tied note.

In reply to by sheena4

Since the version 4.4, several new options have been added in Format > Style > Lyrics to control the display of lyrics lines (dashes and underscores), including:
- Whether to hide them when there is insufficient space
- A minimum underscore length
- Where the first dash should be shown when continuing to a new system (past the first note)
- Whether a dash should be shown before a syllable on the first note of a new system

What happens for you by unticking "Omit extension line when space is limited" ? See image below.

extension line.jpg

In reply to by cadiz1

Yes - all updated. And the same thing was happening. No visible extension line. But I've discovered why thanks to some of your answer. Thank you. If the space for an extension line is considered too small by the programme, then it will make it invisible. The way to fix this is to select the second or last of the notes of the melisma or tie and pull it to the right in order to increase the space between the notes. Then the extension line magically becomes visible. You can finely adjust the space between the notes back to a closer, better spacing without losing the visibility of the extension line.

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