PRO but I can not download scores!!

• Sep 10, 2024 - 18:27

I am wondering if it happen to others. I engaged to the Premium version with the year offer and now I can not download scores neither officals nor the rest.

trying to get some answers for the organistaion but not response

is it normal?

Also it is possibel to "sign in" in the Musescore studio so link both sites but undoetuyantely I do not manage. I appreciate if someoen have got it.



In reply to by [DELETED] 27289538

"I sent several messages to that e-mail and nobody answer"

How many days ago?

"I just wondering if somebody happened the same."

Oh, certainly yes. I would say this the common behaviour... This site is in a bad way. If it doesn't even bother to reply to messages from its “customers” (that's what we should be called from now on) and if it ‘steals’ scores from members of the Musescore community for its own profit, I'm afraid that's the beginning of the end of the MuseScore spirit...

Everything is going to become more or less paid for on this site, even scores in the public domain and under non-commercial licenses... that is to say.... And I didn't even know about this “Premium” status. Another new feature, I suppose, to reach a wider audience and multiply the offer, in the hope that a few will take the bait....

In reply to by [DELETED] 27289538

As you said, it appears that your Pro membership is only theoretical. If you paid by credit card then your provider may be able to help you since you are not receiving the service that you have paid for. They may be able to help you cancel the membership and claim a full refund.

Something is clearly wrong as there are not 19,000+ days until September 2025. Support from has a poor reputation so it could take a while to get fixed. If you choose not to cancel then you need to have your membership extended for free to allow for the days when it wasn't working.

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