Showing total time when playing back

• Sep 12, 2024 - 04:09

Sometimes - playing an unknown score - it isn't so easy to see how long the piece is going to be.

There is an indicator of elapsed time, but it would be useful to be able to see what proportion of the total anticipated time that is - for example 4 mins 22 secs: 7 mins 35 secs: 59%

My guess is that is an easy thing to implement.U3


My guess is this would be low on the developers' list of priorities.

But Musescore is an open source project and if it is easy to implement, why not just go ahead and implement it yourself?

In reply to by SteveBlower

I don't know enough about the code in MuseScore to be able to do that.

The outline for the code would be:

  1. Find the runtime length of the whole piece. Possible method - go to the end - and check the playing time.
    The runtime length might already be stored somewhere, which would make that redundant.

  2. Find the runtime so- far - while playing. Presumably available, since currently available and displayed.

  3. Find the runtime so far - while not playing - in editing mode.

  4. Display the runtime so far [as now], display the total runtime [new feature]

  5. Based on the runtime values - convert them to a value in seconds [they may be already], divide one by the other and multiply by 100 to get a percentage. Truncate to an integer value. Display.

  6. If wanted the percentage could be used to give an iconic/graphical representation.

It may be low on developers' priority list, but shouldn't take long to do, so could still be a worthwhile suggestion.

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