a stem added to a whole note

• Sep 13, 2024 - 20:29

Hi, in the attached score a spurious stem is added to some whole notes, eg m9, G in Sup II, m15 G in SupI, m22 last note of all parts, m26 last note in 5 of the 6 parts; and more. It turns out that if I move the note up or down, or when I 'x' the note as if to invert the (non-existing) stem, the spurious stem disappears, and in the case of m22 and 26 they also disappear from the notes on the staffs above and below. So I do this, the save and quit. But when I reopen the file, all the spurious stems are there again.

I note that in all cases, these whole notes extend into the following measure and that that feature is experimental. But I use that feature regularly, and though this is not the first time I see this happen, it is rare.

Also, this score is a reworking of https://www.cpdl.org/wiki/images/3/3a/Ramsey_When_David_Heard.mxl, which I imported.

(MS4.4.1 on Mac OS 14.6)

Attachment Size
Ramsey - When_David_heard - AMo.mscz 254.84 KB


@amoneti wrote

> It turns out that if I move the note up or down, or when I 'x' the note as if to invert the (non-existing) stem, the spurious stem disappears

Confirmed On MacOS 13.5.2 on MS4.4.1

In reply to by scorster

This is a regression from version 4.4.

If you open the original MusicXML file with 4.3.2, and check "Display note values across measure boundaries, Experimental, early music only" (in Format / Style), there's no such problem with stems. And easily reproducible from scratch.

You'll need to file a bug report on Github: https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/issues
If this bothers you or you don't know how to do it, I can take care of it.

In the meantime, I don't see an acceptable workaround. Nothing survives (deleting parts, and re-creating parts, hiding stems...) to Save/Reopen
The only solution I can currently see is to revert to version 4.3.2 (of course if early music is common practice for you with Musescore?), until the problem is solved.
Here (depending your OS, so .dmg extension for you) : https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/releases/tag/v4.3.2
NB: of course, uninstall first 4.4.1

In reply to by cadiz1

Thanks cadiz1; I've filed the bug report.

As for reverting to 4.3.2: I tried, but it doesn't allow me to load a file written with a later version. (Note that I had not deleted v 4.4.1 from the Applications folder, but I had closed it, and was running 4.3.2 from the disk image. This worked for creating a test file like the one in the bug report and confirming that the bug doesn't occur in that version, as you indicated.)

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