XML import from Finale doesn't know what to do with lyrics HELP!

• Sep 24, 2024 - 22:11

All Verses and Chorus import with the text all on same line and there is no way to separate them.
I was hoping MuseScore could be my replacement for Finale,
but accurate Xml import is needed for all those years of Finale files.
I would hate to be forced to the competition Steinbergs Dorico
as it is a complete pain in the A** to learn and MuseScore is so much more intuitive
to use but I need to be able to print my old files and Dorico does a better XML import.
There are thousands of Finale customers out there that are evaluating MuseScore and Dorico right now, so fix this and you've got me.

Attachment Size
MuseScore XML import.pdf 23.77 KB
Original Finale File.pdf 38.25 KB


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