Unable to replicate eighth note tremolo notation
I am unable to match the tremolo notation for the highlighted eighth notes. When I try to connect the tremolo bars to the notes, the "Style (between notes)" property is greyed out. While what I have done is legit I guess, it would be hard/misleading to read. Any thoughts/suggestions?
I think this is a bug. The appearance of double-beam seems to be editable but the triple-beam one is not.
In reply to There's a setting in… by underquark
Works fine here:
How are you trying to set the appearance of the double beam?
In reply to Works fine here: [inline… by TheHutch
Oh, my bad! Your original had this tremolo style:
The tremolo settings work as expected on half note tremolos, but is not working with the quarter note tremolo (i.e., two connected eighth notes) that I highlighted in my screen snap. The eighth notes making up the tremolo really need a beam connecting them or they could be misread as quarter notes. However, the "Style (between notes)" setting is greyed out for any tremolo applied to such notes. If you first select a longer/working tremolo where these settings are enabled, and then select the quarter note tremolo, these settings are not greyed out, but they don't function. So most likely a bug, but I always hoping I missed something, or someone had an idea to emulate the notation with hackery.
In reply to The tremolo settings work as… by Chris_Allen
Oh, I see. Apparently that notation is rarely enough used that I had not encountered it. You are correct. I would say that's something to be posted to github. (Sorry, I don't know the URL off the top of my head; can anyone else help OP with that?)
In reply to :-o Oh, I see. Apparently… by TheHutch
But I'm not sure there's a bug
In reply to https://github.com/musescore… by Jojo-Schmitz
I am also not sure there is a bug. I think the picture of the original score shows a missing eighth note duration in the upper stave. A tremolo having a quarter note duration would be indicated by two quarter notes with tremolo lines in between. They can't be joined by a continuous beam as that would lead to confusion with a non-tremolo pair of eighth notes.
In reply to I am also not sure there is… by SteveBlower
The original notation is wrong and ambiguous, it is indeed missing an eighth note or even 3 x 16th notes.
Chris - could you notate out in full what you want, is it this ?
Or maybe this:
In reply to https://github.com/musescore… by Jojo-Schmitz
Compare the Properties tab when quarter note tremolos are selected (yellow) ...
... with the Properties tab when eighth note tremolos are selected (blue):
Looks like a bug to me. If MuS is going to allow the tremolo symbol between notes, it should have the same options to modify the appearance of that tremolo marking.
In reply to Compare the Properties tab… by TheHutch
Tremolos of 1/4 note full duration are a unique case where a full bar across between the notes is not allowed as it would change the full duration to a 1/8 note.