At the end of the score Low B-Flat staccato note not playing.

• Feb 12, 2025 - 21:13

At the end of the score I am trying to write lower notes for the violin but during the run the lower B-Flat notes wont play. I've tried to remove the measure entirely, reset musescore, and other methods but nothing works.

I'm running Windows 10 Pro, i5-7600, and 16GBs of ram.

Attachment Size
String Quartet in C minor .mscz 122.73 KB


Staccato can do funny things to notes in Musescore. Slow the tempo down and you will hear that Bb. So it is there, just very soft. I notice that if I remove the staccato, the Bb sounds at tempo. Also Solo Violin 2 plays the measure as is. BTW the 2 does not refer to desk. 1 is a different playing style than 2. That's all.

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