Segno with Volta question

• Feb 15, 2025 - 22:40

I'm trying to get this score to play through:
- From the top through volta 1
- Skip volta 2
- To the end
- Back to the top
- Skip volta 1
- Play volta 2

I've got everything but the STOP at the end of volta 2. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.


Voltas are only meant to be used with repeats set by the double-barlines with dots (end and start repeat barlines). Unpredictable things happen when you try to use them with DS, DC etc.

If I have understood you correctly:
Cut measure 83 and insert it at the end.
Then use "D.S. al Coda" and at measure 81 put "To Coda".
Then place the coda sign on the measure inserted at the end.
Delete the Volta signs.

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