Issues with voices
Hello, ive been trying to write a polyrhythm using the two voices but every time I try to enter a note in voice 2 it just auto switches the note back to voice 1. Please help!
Hello, ive been trying to write a polyrhythm using the two voices but every time I try to enter a note in voice 2 it just auto switches the note back to voice 1. Please help!
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1) Press N to enable note entry mode. Be sure that you are in "Default (step time)" mode (icon is a pencil) and not "Insert" mode (icon is a quarter note with a plus sign).
2) Enter notes into Voice 1.
3) Without leaving note entry mode, (!) move your cursor to the beginning of the measure that you want Voice 2 (or 3 or 4) to begin.
4) Still in note entry mode, press Ctrl+Alt+2 (or 3 or 4) to switch to Voice 2 (or 3 or 4).
5) Enter notes in Voice 2.
Always best to enter from the beginning of a measure and enter explicit rests to reach the first note, if necessary. (You can hide the rests later if you wish.)
Step 4 is the important one. If you have left note entry mode and return to this point to enter notes in a different Voice, re-enter note entry mode first, then switch to the voice you want to work in.
If this still doesn't work, describe exactly what you are doing and what results you get--in as much detail as I have provided here.
Handboock can be helpful too