Note sustains longer than it should

• Mar 9, 2025 - 13:24

When all three notes of an eighth note triplet have a staccato marking, and are played over a dynamic change (diminuendo or crescendo, whether as a hairpin or as text), the middle note of the triplet sustains until the same pitch occurs later. This only seems to occur on the middle note of the triplet, and only when it occurs during a dynamic change. The type of instrument does not seem to matter.

In the example file, the D in the middle of the triplet at the end of the first measure of the sample is the note of concern.

Attachment Size
Diminuendo-triplet glitch.mscz 33.08 KB


This a known issue. Hopefully being worked on.
In the mean time there are a few things to try. If this is for playback only you can remove the hairpin. They don't really work without a dynamic mark at the end.
For real players and playback change the triplet notes to 1/16th notes. They will play correctly.

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