lege maten verwijderen

• Mar 12, 2025 - 15:37

Wanneer ik mijn meerstemmige koorpartituur van lege maten wil ontdoen. via stijl/partituur/verberg lege maten, lukt het me niet om deze instelling toe te passen. Ik zie (op de achtergrond) dat de lege maten weg zijn, maar kan niet op enter drukken oid, dus als ik 'stijl' wegklik, zijn de aanpassingen ook weg.


Google Translate says:

remove empty bars
When I want to remove empty bars from my polyphonic choir score. via style/score/hide empty bars, I can't apply this setting. I see (in the background) that the empty bars are gone, but I can't press enter or something, so if I click away 'style', the adjustments are also gone.
= = = = = = = = = =
The OK button is down at the very bottom of the dialog. It must be clicked in order to make the settings. On my computer, the dialog is sized so that it is JUST BARELY visible at the bottom of the screen. Perhaps you need to slide the Format dialog up higher on the screen? Alternatively, you should be able to Tab to the button.

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