My old Mac update to 4.5 procedure failed
MuseScore informed me today that 4.5 update is available so I selected install, then there was this little downloading progress bar, then it said MuseScore needs to close to install the update (as it has done in the past) so I said Sure, close 'er down, and went off to do something useful. When I came back and fired it up again it said it was vsn 4.4 whatever, 4.5 is available, and I was like wait, didn't I just do that, went through the drill again with same result. No error messages, nothing in downloads or recent files. Is it a DMG or what?
I don't use that meta MuseHub thingy, as I don't trust it. Now I realize this is a pretty old Mac Laptop, running Monterrey and can't go any further. And that was my first thought, maybe I am topped out here. It certainly happens with other software. I haven't located any miminum hardware / software requirements for Verson 4.5 specifically, but 4.4 works just fine. Any suggestions as to next steps? Thank you.
FWIW I never update from within MuseScore. I would un-install 4.4 and then go to the download page and download from there.
Everyone has to figure out if they trust the HUB or not. I've never had a problem with it. For me Muse sounds are far better than Muse Basic.
In reply to FWIW I never update from… by bobjp
Thanks for this reply as well. I'm not that fussed about the scores sounding great inside MuseScore;, I'll let the musicians that use them bring them to life. So you're saying you can't get all the great sounds unless you use the Muse Hub? Well that explains why I never got them. I'll look back into it once I get time to come up for air. :)
The in-app updater is very limited: it just downloads the latest DMG for you, and should open it on your screen. But currently it doesn't fully automatically finish the update.
If the downloaded DMG is really not appearing anywhere on your screen, you can download it manually from, or from MuseHub (it is quite okay nowadays).
In reply to The in-app updater is very… by cbjeukendrup
Thanks for the reply. I did a search for DMG's, there were a couple left overs from other things but MuseScore didn't make it. After reading that 4.5 files can't be read by 4.4 I think I'll hold off. Some of my people are still on 3.6 and this would perturb them. So maybe later. I couldn't remember whether it was a standard DMG setup or some crazy custom thing. And I think I tried to do MuseHub and it wouldn't work anyway. But it probably will on the other computer I use sometimes.
In reply to Thanks for the reply. I did… by Tixrus
Regarding 3.6 compatibility, 3.6 can't open 4.4 files either; in that regard, there is no difference between 4.4 and 4.5. Or, if those people are actually using the unofficial 3.7, that can open 4.5 files as well as it can open 4.4 files.