Minor bug in the menu when using Croatian language

• Mar 23, 2025 - 18:29

When you open MuseScore in the Croatian language (Hrvatski), in the menu Dodaj (Add) -> Tekst (Text) under the item that in English is Stave text appears a % sign, i.e. Tekst %crtovlja instead of Tekst crtovlja (without the % sign). The % sign is added in the menu when you want to get a shortcut, but it doesn't work here in the Croatian language.


Confirmed, "St&aff text" got translated as "Tekst %crtovlja".
Same issue with "Show &frames", translated as "Prikaži %okvire".
Someone errnously 'translated' the "&" (which marks a letter as an accelerator key) as a "%"
Fixed now (to "Tekst &crtovlja" resp. "Prikaži &okvire"), update your translations in some 15 minutes

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