A more serious bug under the Croatian language
If you open MuseScore under the Croatian language and add Articulations -> Accent above to an existing note, it remains "on", so it is added to every next note you type and you have to delete the accents manually. This does not happen when MuseScore is opened in English. I'm using MuseScore on Windows 10.
In contrast to https://musescore.org/en/node/376696 I don't see this as being a translation issue.
Are you using 4.5.1, released 2 days ago (but not yet available as an automatic update)?
In reply to In contrast to https:/… by Jojo-Schmitz
And yes, I'm using 4.5.1 on Windows 10.
I can't reproduce, using 4.5.1 in Windows 11
In reply to I can't reproduce by Jojo-Schmitz
I'm trying to upload an mp4 file with a record from the screen, but I can't. This interface does not support that. Can I send it to you in other way?
In reply to I'm trying to upload an mp4… by Damir Šimunović
You can zip it and attach that. Or use a different tool for screencasting
Maybe you could directly report it on GitHub, https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/issues/new/choose
In reply to You can zip it and attach… by Jojo-Schmitz
OK, it works with zip.
In reply to OK, it works with zip. by Damir Šimunović
Well, I see what you do, but when I did the same thing it just worked for me
In reply to Well, I see what you do, but… by Jojo-Schmitz
Hm, strange. Can this be connected with Windows version? I remind you, this happens when the language is Croatian. With English it works fine. I haven't tried it in other languages. Well, one more thing that I just discovered: if I select an existing note that has no accent, the repetition of adding accent stops!
In reply to Hm, strange. Can this be… by Damir Šimunović
Not related to Window version and same issue in English, entirely independant of language, see below
In reply to OK, it works with zip. by Damir Šimunović
Actually I can. The key seems to be to add the first accent outside note entry mode, then start note entry mode by mouse (using N instead doesn't trigger this).
Happens with German settings too
And with English too, so is not at all dependant on language
Please report this on GitHub, now this being a confirmed bug
It is not a regression, not a recent one at least: 4.4.4 does the same
In reply to Actually I can. The key… by Jojo-Schmitz
I didn't see what you sent when I was writing the above reply. OK, I'll report it.
In reply to I didn't see what you sent… by Damir Šimunović
Thanks for https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/issues/27321
In reply to Actually I can. The key… by Jojo-Schmitz
Yes, I see, it depends on how the note is entered. That created confusion for me that it works well in English.
In reply to I'm trying to upload an mp4… by Damir Šimunović
However: first make sure to be using 4.5.1
In reply to However: first make sure to… by Jojo-Schmitz
Yes, I'm using 4.5.1