What and Where is a Pallette?

• Mar 24, 2025 - 21:01

I have looked for an hour and I cannot find any way to add a repeat barline to my score.

Example. : at https://musescore.org/en/handbook/4/repeat-signs
Home MuseScore 4 Handbook Notation: Repeats

Adding repeat signs to your score
Place a start repeat barline at the beginning of the repeated section and an end repeat barline at the end.

Simple repeat section

If the start of the repeat section coincides with the beginning of the piece there is no need for a start repeat barline.

How is this supposed to help me finish this score?


it says I need a pallette to put a repeat barline in. But in this version of musescore there is nothing about
a pallette anywhere.

In reply to by rapidrain

The first step is to access the Palettes panel -- within which may be found the various palettes...

The area on the left-hand side (the sidebar) of the program window may contain various panels such as Palettes, Properties, and Instruments (Instruments is now named 'Layout' in the latest version of MuseScore Studio). These panels can be hidden or displayed as desired.
If not visible to you, press F9 to toggle the Palettes panel on/off, or use menu item: View > Palettes.

In reply to by TheHutch

> This is what the Palettes panel is and where it is located <
> If you don't see the palette you want, click the Add Palettes button at the top of the panel. <

True, but if the entire Palettes panel itself is missing, then one needs to press F9 (or use menu item: View > Palettes) to actualize it.
As the OP wrote:
> What and Where is a Pallette? <
> I have looked for an hour... <

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