Issue with multiple sets of repeats on playback
What I have here is part of a lazily condensed version of the Blue Danube Waltz. However, the score playback isn't behaving the way I would expect it to, and it's got me wondering if maybe I'm the one who's misunderstood the notation rules.
The playback behaves as expected up until measure 18 where, inexplicably, playback skips the prima and seconda voltas and goes straight to the terza volta. I don't understand why, because the exact same setup works as expected in measures 7 - 13 (the score even navigates the dal segno correctly).
Any ideas?
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test - copy.mscz | 30.62 KB |
The playback probably does that because it has gone through the prima and seconda voltas. There is a "Play Repeats" option you can select in the properties window of the dal segno by pressing F8 while the dal segno is selected. Hope this helps!
In reply to The playback probably does… by TheDevv
While this is interesting (I didn't know you could do this, thank you) you have not understood my question. As stated in my original post, the repeats in measure 7-13 work CORRECTLY. It is the repeats after measure 18 that I am having problems with.
EDIT okay I see, you did actually understand the question . . . sort of. The reason it skips the repeats in measures 18 and 19 is because standard practice is to skip repeats when you take a dal segno. I guess I just didn't think that this would also apply to repeats placed after the D.S.?... Is there any way I can get it to not skip these repeats specifically?
In reply to While this is interesting (I… by macchiatopika
You have a D.S. command in between normal Volta repeats. I am not sure if there is an other solution, but I recommend to use coda to achieve your solution:
test - copy1.mscz
The problem is that the volta of measures 10 and 11 are not completely processed and therefore the processing of the volta is not carried out in measure 19 / 20.
In reply to You have a D.S. command in… by HildeK
That would indeed work but I'm hesitant to insert a coda in a spot that's not the end of the piece. I might end up just appending the extra measures I want played onto the first seconda volta and remove the D.S. altogether.
I'm still confused as to why the score won't consider the mm.10-11 volta as "processed" as soon as the playback has moved past the D.S. because that's what I would do if I encountered a score like this in real life. It's all good though