How to add this slur to a composition

• Mar 26, 2025 - 16:56

I am trying to enter a song composition into Musescore and have run into a snag.

Please refer to the attached snip of two measures I am working on. I can enter everything except the slur in the treble clef from measure 1 to measure 2. Musescore tries to rearrange the notes with things I did not enter.

And, is there a way to disable the automatic setting of rests? I would like to enter an entire measure before the software checks for the timing.

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Snip of page 3.jpg 143.23 KB


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thanks for the article, but I am still stuck. Either I am doing something wrong or something is wrong in my composition that won't allow Musescore to edit it the way I want. Refer to the attached screenprint. At the hightlighted in blue note I am trying to enter the B (with dot) note directly above the first note in the triplet (F note), but it refuses to let me position it there. I selected voice 2 and it won't put it where I want it.

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Screenshot - 3_28_2025 , 5_58_00 PM.jpg 10.88 KB

In reply to by dale19

In voice 1, enter the dotted rest and the dotted quarter note, followed (and tied to) the dotted half. Go back to the first measure, and click on the dotted quarter. Switch to voice 2, and enter the three eighth notes followed by the duads in the next measure.

Screenshot 2025-03-28 at 4.50.11 PM.jpg

In reply to by mikey12045

I can get the dotted rest and dotted quarter note in voice 1, followed by the dotted half and tie them. But it all goes crazy when I click on the dotted quarter in the first measure and switch to voice 2. When I switch to voice 2 the note turns green and wants me to place it either under the dotted rest or in the second measure under the dotted half note. Is there any way to suppress the automatic insertion of rests while editing? I am on version 4.5.1

The screenshot is all I have been able to do before things went wonky.

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Screenshot - 3_29_2025 , 11_15_26 AM.jpg 19.39 KB

In reply to by dale19

You must be in note input mode before you click the button (or press the keyboard shortcut) to switch to Voice 2. If you're not, you have explicitly moved the selected note(s) to Voice 2, which I don't think is what you want. But, from your description, is what you did.

So, follow along:

1) Press N (enter note input mode)
2) Enter the Voice 1 notes into the measure (or several measures)
3) While remaining in note input mode, use the Left arrow key to move back to the beginning of the measure where the Voice 2 notes are to begin. Be sure that you have moved to the beginning of the measure!
4) Still in note input mode, click the Voice 2 button or press Ctrl +Alt+2 to switch to Voice 2.
5) Enter the notes that belong in Voice 2.

For steps 3 and 4, you can toggle out of note entry mode to do other stuff if necessary. The key thing is that before you switch to Voice 2, you must be back into note entry mode. And you want to be at the beginning of the measure in question. If the Voice 2 notes begin after the beginning of the measure, explicitly enter the necessary rests to reach that beginning spot.

How to select which notes should be in Voice 1 versus Voice 2? Voice 1 defaults to stem up; Voice 2, down. So, for example, in SATB closed score (with SA on one staff and TB on another), soprano would be Voice 1 and alto, Voice 2. In the TB staff, tenor would be Voice 1 and bass, Voice 2.

In reply to by dale19

Apparently it's how to manage the dotted quarter rests from start of measure that's been giving you trouble. Take a look at this GIF below. It starts at the end of Voice1 input (which is no particular problem). I'm still in input mode.

You'll notice that the cursor has reached the third measure, from which point on: return to the first measure with the left arrow (or Ctrl/Cmd + left arrow, which is what I'm doing here).

Then switch to Voice 2, via the toolbox selector for example, and enter the dotter quarter rest (eg with "0" shortcut), which is therefore in Voice 2 (this was probably the crux of the problem for you).

You'll notice that there now are 2 dotted quarter rests (one in Voice1 and the other in Voice2). You're perfectly welcome to leave it that way when entering this score (which is what you should do as a beginner, just don't forget to merge the rests at the end of the input.)

I continued to enter a few notes in Voice 2 (but there were no more problems after that, so I stopped the input there).

However, to make it match your image, simply select the dotted quarter rest and then type "V" (to make it invisible).
You can stop there, it's grayed out and won't be printed, but as I show at the end of the GIF, you can hide it completely from your screen, via the "View" menu/ Show / Untick "Show invisible"



Your picture show ties, no slurs!
And it works a little different: Select the starting note and press 't'.
What is your problem?
ScreenShot 390.png

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

JoJo, we started this discussion before you went skiing. I can't get that plugin (if I even have the right one) to work. It didn't work for me in 4.5 or 4.5.1.

My first preference would be to have it universal, but I could deal with it with each new document. Or even apply it to a template.

EDIT: It's working now. Go figure. Where are those colors controlled? I'd like to change one or the other. They're both dark, and I'm having difficulty seeing the difference.

In reply to by dale19

Do you understand the concept of voices? HildeK’s screenshot shows notes in voice 1 (blue) and voice 2 (green.) That might explain your problem of the already entered notes changing when you enter the notes to be slurred.

And as he said, you have tied notes, not slurred. Do you understand the difference?

In reply to by dchamb5590

Excuse me for intruding, but I wonder if you noticed this comment on the handbook page mentioned above regarding working with multiple voices:

"Note: to enter new notes, make sure you are in note input mode before selecting the desired voice, otherwise you will change the voice of any currently-selected elements instead."

I make this mistake all the time. I enter voice 1 and then mess it up when I go to enter voice 2 as Musescore thinks I am trying to change voice 1. It might help to take note of the current voice in the menu bar to make sure you are in the voice you want to be in. The attached picture shows the current voice is Voice 2.

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voices indicator.PNG 12.5 KB

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