Need help with quadruplet notation!

• Nov 1, 2014 - 21:24

I cannot seem to get the notation right for a quadruplet set of notes (which alters the 3/8 rhythm for one measure) AND how to note the second part of a repeat to the second part... Stukka Gruppa notation.jpg

Green circled shows quadruplet ... red shows first pass ... blue shows skipping to second

This may be an easy fix but I'm new to Musescore and sight read very very slowly (though I've been playing hurdy gurdy and folk music for 30+ years primarily by ear) ...

Thanks for the help!

HG Guy

Attachment Size
Stukka Gruppa notation.jpg 112.86 KB


First, welcome!

To enter that figure, first think of it without the dots - it's basically four eighths in the space of three (a dotted quarter). So, you start by selected dotted quarter as your basic duration, then press Ctrl+4 to split it into 4 parts. Now you can enter individual dotted eighths and sixteenths within that space.

As for the mid-measure volta, I'd start by questioning whether that's really necessary. It's bad practice, really. It's better to make the volta cover the whole measure. But if you do really want to reproduce that notation, you can get it by splitting that measure into two - insert a new measure, set the first to an "actual duration" of 1/8, the second to 2/8 (right click, measure properties).

If you need more info., here are the relevant handbook pages:

For the quadruplet (select the full rest, then use shortcut Ctrl 4; or use menu item Notes / Tuplets/ Quadruplet) see:

For the repeat see:

Also, to change the duration of the measure (at the repeat):

In your image - the measure preceding the quadruplet is split by the 1st ending bracket. I have changed it by copying the A note into the measure after the repeat to keep the measure(s) whole. (The A note gets played in both endings.)

See attachment.

P.S. the tuplet bracket was added by right clicking on the number '4'; then, in 'Tuplet Properties', selecting 'Bracket'.

Regards, and welcome aboard.

Attachment Size
Quadruplet and repeat.mscz 2.41 KB

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