Help with Multiple measure rests and how to write text of dynamics and musical instructions

• Dec 19, 2009 - 05:24

Hello everyone!

When I tried to put in multiple measure rests at the beginning of my piece, it counted the pickup note and made that a whole measure. How do I get the software to not count the pickup note as a measure and correct this problem.

Also how do you put the musical instructions at the beginning of the piece and write out the text 'cresc.' and other dynamics?

Thank you for your suggestions,


If you don't want a measure included in the multi-measure rests see the multi-measure rest section of measure operations .

For generic text use Create > Text > Staff text (or System text). For dynamic markings such as "cresc." use Create > Text > Dynamics.

In reply to by Wena D Parry

The abbreviation "cresc" might not be in the dynamica pallete, but the word "crescendo" is. I would just enter that, then double click the text to edit it.

Lento is *already* one of the predefined choices for tempo text (which is how you enter tempo notations), but even if it weren't, the same thing would apply - enter something similar, then double click to edit it. Actually, with tempo text, you can also create new entries in the predefine list, although as far as I can, they are just temporary and only last until you close MuseScore.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

In 1.3 I just go to Create>Text>Dynamics, no special shortcut (looking at them right now), and after all the "set" dynamic levels and various types of sforzandi I scroll down and see in italics: crescendo, diminuendo, dolce, espressivo, legato, etc. I used the first two all the time, but I would delete the last several letters and use the abbreviations instead. Or I would delete them entirely and replace them with some other indication not listed, if I wanted it to be in italics. I miss that feature in 2.0.

In reply to by pwpisano

Well, going to the menu is the same as a special shortcut. The normal way to add dymnamics, or most other elements, is via the palettes.

So anyhow, if there are are particular markings you use a lot - whether they were present in 1.3 or not - simply add them to your custom palette as explained in the Handbook. It's dead simple, you only have to do it once, and far better than having a giant preset list of markings you would never use.

In reply to by pwpisano

I think in older versions, there was a special version of the Dynamics palette that appeared if you pressed some specific shortcut, and it had some additional text symbols.

For 2.0, rather than try to include every possible dynamic and tempo marking that anyone ever wanted in the default palettes, it was decided to just make it easy to customzie your own palettes however you like. See the Handbook under "Custom palette".

Of course, "crescendo" and "diminuendo" - or more particularly, the abbreviations "cresc." and "dim." - are common enough to be worth having by default. But when they are used, it is normally in conjunction with a dashed line. So for the next release, there will be special "cresc. _ _ _" and "dim. _ _ _" elements available in the Lines palette that will behave like hairpins - meaning they will actually playback, and be extendable like other hairpins.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

OK, so I've created a workspace and I see the Mac OS X instructions for customizing palettes. If I'm understanding correctly, if I type (in this case) cresc. or dim. into the score, then follow those instructions, I can import cresc. or dim. into the palette and then drag them onto the score anytime thereafter.

However, I don't want to import them into the palette until I can write them in italics. I've looked this up in Forums and the Handbook, but the keyword 'italics' just pops in random contexts; if there's a simple "how to write on your score in italics" section, I haven't been able to find it. Suggestions?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I tried that, looked through the whole list and didn't see one italic font. The closest thing I could was Monotype Corsiva, which I suppose will do if it has to. Again, am I missing something? (I ask that without a drop of sarcasm. My dad always told me when I was looking for stuff as a kid, "If it were a snake, it would've bitten you by now.")

In reply to by pwpisano

I don't know if you've seen this kind of thing before, but it's very common in the GUI text editing context (e.g., LibreOffice) for italics, bold, and underline controls to be a row of three buttons, each containing one example letter of the relevant formatting. This is what you get in the toolbar at the bottom of the screen:

Screen Shot 3.png

And here's the same three buttons in Text Properties:

Screen Shot 4.png

In reply to by pwpisano

You're welcome! Just curious—have you ever seen bold/italics/underline icons like that before? I think it's pretty common in word processors, but on the other hand if you're used to something like LaTeX I can see how you might easily not have encountered it before.

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