Playback-only feature or program for students?

• Nov 13, 2014 - 00:40

I am new to the forums. I am a band director of a junior high band. I do many of my own arrangements in MuseScore. I recently found the playback app on iPhone, and thought it was awesome...but not all of my students have a smartphone or tablet. I am concerned that the full MuseScore program would be too much for them to navigate. Is there a playback-only program or feature for Mac or PC desktops? Thanks!


Interesting question. No, there is no such program currently, but there is the score sharing site, so if you post scores there, people can play them with their browser.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks. I will check that out. It may be a problem for some of the items I had in mind because of copyright. For instance, I have some old scores/parts from our music library that I would like for them to use a tool like this for practice help at I could transcribe them from the score or parts into MuseScore, and I think that is fair usage because we own copies of the score and parts, but I am not sure it would be within fair copyright usage to post them to a public website where others could print and play those pieces. The good thing about the iPhone app (the "songbook" version, not the free version) is that I can email those files to the students, and they get the option in the email to open the file in the MuseScore Songbook app without the part ever being available out somewhere public.

In reply to by Thomas

Thanks. Although I see that you can't effect tempo, and there is no metronome (like in the app), this is a good secondary option from those with no smartphone or tablet (or I can just get the more tech savvy parents to load the full MuseScore program on PC).

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