Lyrics that refuse to die

• Nov 14, 2014 - 14:00

I began with an existing score that had four verses of lyrics. I deleted the existing lyrics in order to put new lyrics on that score. (i.e. "Select all similar elements in same staff") I select the first note, tap Ctrl-L to enter lyrics and now it spaces the staves for me to enter a fifth verse.

OK, I know there is a workaround for this: Enter the new lyrics and then set the space above lyrics to a ridiculously large negative number such that line 5 actually looks like line 1. But is there a way to force MuseScore to acknowledge that verses 1 through 4 are well and truly gone and we can start entering new lyrics on verse 1?


Should work to simply hit up arrow a few times to get back to the first line, then continue entering them normally. You'd just have to do that each time you leave and re-enter lyrics mode. Also, if you save & reload, it shoud forget about the existence of those previous lyrics.

FWIW, in 2.0 Beta/Nightly builds, it already forgets the old lyrics automatically and starts new entry on the first line.

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