Help with midi output using Jack

• Nov 20, 2014 - 03:18

Hello, I have a synth with lots of sounds that I like, but since I want precision on the rythm I don't want to play the music by myself. So I want to write it on musescore and conect the pc on the synth via USB, so the synth could play the Midi.
I suscefully installed the drivers and made the pc recognize the keyboard,because I can use it to write notes on musescore,but I'm not having sucess on make Jack recognize the keyboard. I followed the steps on this topic: until "On the right side you should see, your MIDI keyboard input, it's one of the playback." but I have nothing on the right side. Does anyone know whats is the problem, or how could I do it using another free program on windows? Thanks and sorry for any mistake.
I'm using windows 8, an yamaha s90xs and an USB cable.


In reply to by ChurchOrganist


I'm extremely happy with MuseScore as a tool to create printed sheet music.
I am experiencing intermittent playback of any piece small or large via midi and to a lesser extent with a lot of working around via the audio connection. I am trying to get to the bottom of it.
It is dropping notes / chords fairly repeatably (same note / chord on a given piece).

Same place on some of my more complicated arrangements (multiple instruments) using the fluid synth audio. I've noticed that when I have midi selected and not jack audio, the Synthesiser is still "producing sound". Same observation with the latest Daily FWIW... I have a daily old Apple and not a lot of ram so it won't be a surprise to learn I'm running out of ram / CPU however I will keep tweaking and see how I get on.

Using the latest version of Jack2 for OS-X with midi into MainStage 3, and Cubase Elements 8.40 for recording....

Jack is far more efficient and reliable than the Apple core Driver patching 192/24 bit precision audio.

Hopefully when Jack2 is working reliably in 64 bit mode the issue with MIDI operation will go away.

I will see if I can debug a little deeper once I exhaust all the avenues to tweak and post something more technically definitive at that time.

Many thanks

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