Better splitting of slurs

• Nov 24, 2014 - 20:58

I could wish for slurs that are split between lines to behave better.

example A is a passage with default slur applied to it. That looks appropriate.
B is the same passage, but split over two lines. The slur is now two slurs, not well-placed.
C is example B, but manually edited for a more conventional look.
D is example C, no longer split between lines. The end of the slur is out of place now.


We can see that MuseScore is already detecting when a slur is split between lines because it draws two slurs where there used to be one. If it could advance that case a bit further and draw a more appropriately shaped "opening half-slur" and "closing half-slur" in those spots instead of two slurs drawn from the same shape that would eliminate much of the need for manual re-editing when a small change in the score has bumped/unbumped slurs across line breaks or when exporting parts from a score causes that.

Attachment Size
slurs2.JPG 50.9 KB


In my opinion the best solution for the position of splitted slurs
(like expl. B) is to fix both of the broken ends not at the middle but

- at the top of the stave - if the slur goes up
- at the bottom of the stave - if the slur goes down.

Maybe let a little distance (1/2 space) to the lines.
This could be a better origin to avoid manually justifications.

In reply to by Rudi cj7tb

I like that plan. I might modify it like this:

Fix the broken ends...

- at the top of the stave or the level of the highest note or stem (whichever is higher) - if the slur goes up.

- at the bottom of the stave or the level of the lowest note or stem (whichever is lower) - if the slur goes down.

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