Accidentals palette

• Dec 7, 2014 - 22:54

Is there any guidance I can look up, as to what the huge array of accidentals on the palette, do?
I'm familiar, of course, with the five 'normal' accidentals sharp, flat, natural, double sharp and double flat.
There are others in the list which I think pertain to quarter-tones and just intonation etc., but they don't seem to work.
Any help would be appreciated.


In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks. For a tool that is primarily for notation, the playback engine sounds pretty good to me!
Are there any future plans for an upgrade to support quarter tones and non-ET temperaments in the playback? It's not something I've ever experimented with, seeing as I write mainly for keyboard, but I'm interested in the theory.
You wouldn't be able to export to MIDI, because as I understand it, MIDI only supports ET.

In reply to by 661-Pete

MIDI doesn't care about temperament - it just has pitch numbers that indicate semitones. How any given synthesizer choose to tune those semitones is up to that synthesizer.

If you want to hear playback of microtones in MuseScore, you can use note properties in 1.3 or pian roll editor in 2.0 and/or a plugin such as,, or

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