How to boot without Musescore connect.

• Dec 19, 2014 - 03:23

When I boot the nightlies they boot with 1/2 the usable are taken with connect.
How can I disable that so all I see is the score?


In reply to by Shoichi

I was more asking because I liked the way it was a few days ago, with each area organized and visible. I never used templates before because they were so hidden, then everything became available in one nicely organized panel, now it's almost all gone again.

In reply to by schepers

I like that ther startcenter shows recent scores, and there is no room for both recent scores and templates on the same screen. If you say you want a new score, you are still taken to a palce where you will see the templates. So there is no getting around seeing templates when creaitng a new score that I can see, and I think that's a good thing. They just aren't in your face right when you start up, which is also good as far I am concerned.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

"I like that the startcenter shows recent scores"

As do I.

"And there is no room for both recent scores and templates on the same screen."

Disagree, it used to be beautifully organized with section separators. Since I deal with the nightlies mostly I don't see the templates in their normal user profile location. There is _two_ spots that these can be stored, but the default for the new score open dialog is the user profile. The StartCenter took both of those locations into consideration.

"you are still taken to a place where you will see the templates."

I'm not, easily.

In reply to by schepers

I forget how it used to be, to be honest, but I can't see how you can show over a dozen template and maybe a similar numebr of recent scores simultaneously. Maybe there used to be a tab you had to switch between? If so, that's one thing you have to press to see the other.

Not sure what you mean about not being taken to place with tmeplate.s I can't find a way a way to create a score *without* seeing templates. Every sequence I try eventually gets me to the template list after entering the title. Can you provide an exact sequence of steps that bypasses that?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

No it was done with a scroll bar down the side. Quite simple, actually. A tab setup, like the mockup Soichi did, would work as well. EDIT: but now I'm seeing where the templates are now.

Regarding templates... never mind. Things changed too fast for me to see where the options and features went to. I hadn't run the Create New wizard for a few days and didn't know the templates were in there now. Doh! Hard to keep up!

In reply to by schepers

The problem with either a tab or a scroll bar is, you need to do something to see the templates - by default, you still see only rhe recent scores. Meaning it's no better than it is in 1.3, where you need to use a radio button to see templates and most people probably never bothered. That's why I much prefer having the templates in your face, impossible to *not* see when the time comes, as is the case now.

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