On Mac: 2.0b app damaged

• Dec 22, 2014 - 23:00


I tried downloading the latest 2b version today (about 5 times) and I keep getting the following message when I try and run it:

“MuseScore 2.app” is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the Trash.

Any thoughts?


I don't know diddly about Mac, but I assume you aren't supposed to *run* this file - you are supposed to *install* it. Not sure how that works, maybe that's really what you meant. But anyhow, might be helpful.

I tried to reproduce your problem by downloading the dmg but I did not succeed. For your reference, the downloaded dmg is 54,4 MB.

What is possible is that your got the dmg from a mirror server ran by our host (osuosl) which may not have a correct copy.

Please try again (perhaps with another browser) and report back so we can act if needed.

In reply to by fiddlinsteudel

Woah woah woah. This will get around the bug here but it absolutely isn't a solution when the software gets generally released.

It *is* possible to install software with the Mac's default security preferences, your computer's settings are not "too high".

I believe this message occurs when the package has been signed with a developer ID, but then modified before distribution. This is an error in the build process, as doing this is worse than not signing it at all.

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