Few improvements

• Jan 1, 2015 - 23:35

First of all I would like to say extremely big THANK YOU for bringing us such awesome software!
I'm using 2.0 beta2 version and really like it.

If I may, I would like to point out few things I'd like to see improved.

1) Adjustable metronome volume would be nice option probably in the mixer window, and I'd like it's sound to be more discrete. For now I make additional percussion track for claves and just hide it. However, I don't have count-in option then.

2) The non-default soundfonts have to be loaded every time Musescore is started. Is that an intended behavior?

3) I'd like to change noteheads of the unpiched percussion instruments like claves or a triangle. Noteheads are changeable for every pitched instrument, however their usual look is somewhat distracting in the unpiched instrument track.

Thank You!


#1 is becoming a common request, so hopefully it will be implemented at some point.

For #2, try the "set as default" button in the Synthesizer window.

#3 I'm not quite sure what you mean, but I guess maybe you are trying to change noteheads for the drum track using the Inspector or palette? That doesn't work; instead, use the Edit Drumset button in the drum toolbar (or right click menu on the staff).

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